Friday, November 15, 2013

The Days and Nights of a Doctor

Greetings all and welcome to another Doctor Who installment of The Magical Mystery Blog.

With only eight days away from the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, we have been given more spoilers than River Song has ever revealed.  We have received a prequel entitled The Night of the Doctor and a section from the special. These clips have sent our imaginations reeling , our fandom cheering with delight, and our minds wondering what will happen next. We won’t know until November 23rd in theaters at specific times and on the BBC at 2:50 pm. Below are some tidbits of information we have discovered about the released clips of the upcoming special.

  •  When the 8th Doctor drank the Elixir of Life he became the John Hurt Doctor aka the War Doctor. The Elixir of Life was given to the 8th Doctor by the Sisterhood of Karn (regrettably, not KHAAAAAAN), who are involved with Gallifrey.  The Sisterhood is actually a colony of Gallifrey. The Karn Sisters have made an appearance before in an old episode of Doctor Who called “The Brain of Morbius.” They guard an Elixir of Life which is said to be used for a Doctor when he undergoes a heavily stressful regeneration – in this case, the 8th Doctor’s. He had a ton of anxiety on his back due to the Time War. By drinking the Elixir of Life, he becomes the War Doctor, aka the John Hurt Doctor which could possibly be an 8.5 Doctor.
  • ·         The Elixir of Life ties in with what Moffat said about the audience missing a detail in the series. The Elixir heals injuries and also extends lives. If we delve into the old series and focus on the particular episode, “The Brain of Morbius” it shows that William Hartnell was NOT the first Doctor. In fact, it shows that Hartnell had eight regenerations before his appearance. This means that Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor, was the twelfth regeneration. Tom Baker’s Doctor was fatally wounded and given the Elixir by the Sisterhood of Karn which not only healed him but granted him a longer life past the 12 limit regeneration rule.  This makes the Doctor immune to the 12 regeneration rule because it’s been there since the time of Baker.
  •  In the The Night of the Doctor, the prequel to the special, we see the War Doctor as a young person. When we saw John Hurt in the last Doctor Who episode and in other trailers promoting the special, he is much older. Which leads us to the question of how long was the Time War? The 11th Doctor has lived well over 2,000 years, the 10th Doctor has lived over 1,000 years old, and the 9th Doctor starts out as being 900 years old. Furthermore, since the War Doctor is technically a Time Lord, wouldn’t he keep the same appearance as he mentally ages? How is he able to physically age?

A Zygon in its natural habitat, which weirdly isn't the ocean because it's technically a tentacle with legs....
  •   In the clip today released from the BBC’s Children in Need special, we see that the 11th Doctor is reunited with his fez, and is roaming with Clara in a museum. We also see the first crisis of the special where it seems someone has broken out of a landscape painting. What makes this strange is the fact that the Doctor claims that there were “lots of somethings” that escaped that picture.  It appears that the “somethings” are being led by a person with very minimal details. The person appears to be clad in boots, a long skirt swaying to the right, a vest, a belt, and possesses long hair and a walking stick. This person could possibly be Rose but there are no confirmations. We cannot see who the person is, which makes us wonder who the person is, how did they get out, and why are they so important.  The somethings could possibly be the Zygons or the Daleks as they appear to be the main villains of the upcoming special. The Zygons could possibly be attacking the Elizabethan era while the Daleks are obviously destroying Gallifrey.

Here we have the already adorable David Tennant clad in a passionate, red fez.
  • We finally get our question answered as to how the 11th Doctor meets up with the 10th Doctor. Apparently a vortex appears in the museum and the 11th Doctor tosses himself into it. On the other side is the 10th Doctor, examining the fez. The 11th Doctor seems to remember this happening, meaning that this has happened before. As the clip ends we see the 10th Doctor don the fez and analyze the 11th Doctor by using his sonic screwdriver.

What was your favorite aspects of the two clips? Are you getting pumped for the special? Feel free to leave feedback and as always, followers are welcomed. 

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