Friday, December 13, 2013

You Really Shouldn't Have. Really.

Welcome readers to another December entry of The Magical Mystery Blog.

With Christmas only twelve days away, Friday the 13th has fallen upon us once more. Friday the 13th has some negative superstition about it, in which it is supposed to be a day of bad luck. My fellow readers, I hope none of this bad luck doesn't carry into the Christmas spirit, and possibly lie under your tree waiting for Christmas morning. This bad luck often turns into an unfortunate experience of receiving a terrible Christmas gift.  Below are my top twelve worse gifts to buy someone.

12. Garden Gnome

Yes, because nothing says Merry Christmas like “I want to freak out my neighbors with this hideous garden gnome” or “God this corny and it’s going on my lawn.”

11. Decapitated Teddy Lamp

Remember that teddy bear you wanted for Christmas...?

Most of us love teddy bears. They’re cuddly, cute, and look fantastic when decapitated. That’s right, on the Internet you can purchase a severed head teddy bear lamp. You know, for telling others that you really don’t want to babysit their kids anymore. Or you know, to give children nightmares.

10. The Gifts of Change

Ah change, the one thing that we must do at some point or another to adapt to the surrounding world. But for those who need a little push or don’t want to change any further, there are those who will give them things to help remedy that. For example, if you’re comfortable with your gorgeous body, someone might think otherwise, and might give you exercise equipment or a diet book.

9. Jersey Shore Ornaments

And three losers in a pear tree.....
So you want your tree to look like a wannabe Italian that’s actually a douche. Look no further than eBay or just the Internet in general. There you will find ornaments of Snooki (both in slutty and Christmas clothes), Pauly D, and other lovable losers from the show, the Jersey Shore. Not only will the receiver be able to use them once a year but when they do so, it’ll turn their Christmas tree into a crap tree.

8. Grooming Gifts

Make up is fine to receive as a present because you can find some way to match nail polish with your outfits. But gifts like toothbrushes and hair trimmers are a big no no.  These items are things we would buy for ourselves because we are able to judge if we need them or not. If someone gives us a hair trimmer it’s like them saying, ”Hey….I notice there’s hair coming out of your ears…here’s something to fix that.” Insulting? Yes. This is just like the gifts of change where the present tends to insult the receiver by telling them, “Hey you need to fix this.”

7. A Caricature

Perhaps some of you know of a talented artist who happens to do these comedic sketches. If not, then there are artists out there on streets and boardwalks willing to do a caricature of you. With every passing moment, they analyze and draw your most noticeable features (ex.: if you have a large schnoze, it’s going to be drawn). This would be a rather unwise gift to give because some people tend to be a bit self conscious. When someone draws them in a new light, it may alert them. Do I really have a large nose? Is my hair really that frizzy? Is my cat really about to rip my cheeks off?

6. The Star Wars Christmas Special

If you know a geek or happen to be one yourself, you’ve probably heard of or are madly in love with the movie franchise Star Wars. Mostly everything that’s Star Wars is utterly glorious from the Battle on Endor to the light sabers. However its Christmas special is far from beautiful. If you manage to somehow find a DVD of the Star Wars Christmas Special and give it to someone, you really have no idea what you’re giving them. You’re bestowing onto them a special where wookies look at stimulated porn and other visual tortures. Do you really want to give your geek that holiday Hell?

5. Knives

Giving a knife or even a set of knives is considered to be bad luck to the gift receiver. In order to avoid the bad luck, the receiver must give the giver a penny or there must be a penny attached to the blades. But even so, sometimes the penny may fail and you are doomed to suffer the wrath of bad luck.

4. A Used Gift

This is for the gifter who is too lazy to go out and buy a present. Instead they wander over to their refrigerator, poke their head instead for a beer, and see a half eaten cake. Huzzah, a gift has been found! Why people would give anyone a used gift (like a half eaten cake) is beyond me. These already used presents shouldn't be distributed at all because not only do they make you look like a bad gifter but a procrastinator as well.

3. Fruitcake

Ah yes, the food that no one eats because it’s just so gosh darned awful. Giving this as a gift is basically telling your receiver: I have nothing else to give you, so here, have this.  The best thing they can do with it is put in the freezer, wait until it hardens, and possibly kill you or someone with it. Or use the hardened dessert to break in an entry.

2.  Something They Already Have

It’s always good to check with your giftee if they have the thing you’re about to buy them. If you don’t, it will result in one of the most awkward moments you will ever encounter. But be subtle when asking them, don’t just come flat out with the gift you wish to give them. Be clever, use less words, and take note of what your receiver has.

1. Nothing

Seems like people are buying a whole lotta Nothin..

In the world there is a product you can buy called ‘Nothing’.  ‘Nothing’ is a literal bubble of air that can shows that you really don’t care to go out and look for something for your particular giftee. Instead you just buy them one of these to not only show that they can care less about you but that there’s nothing you can do with this gift.

What’s the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received? Feel free to tell us in the comments section below and as always, feedback and followers are welcomed.

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