Friday, January 17, 2014

I Apologize.

There will be no blog tonight. I apologize but I’ve been neglecting my health due to work and my current situations. I’ve been stressed and sleeping wrongly. Yes, I know it’s 2:48 am here but it’s because I cannot sleep. I’ve got a million thoughts in my head and I don’t know how to stop them all. They’re like trains that never stop for fuel because the fuel is always supplied. 

I really need to get some sleep, among some other things. My brain can’t even concentrate on the topic I’m writing about even though the sources are right in front of me. To be frank, I haven’t slept properly for four months not because I’m a night owl, but rather or something on a more deep and personal matter. Well, matters I should say.

I promise you there will be a blog entry Monday. But tonight I just really need to try and get some rest. Once again, I offer my sincerest apologies. 

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