Saturday, April 26, 2014

What Does the Future Hold for Sherlock?

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Sherlock has come and gone and in its wake, it has left some of the best episodes ever to emerge from the series. With Mary pregnant, Moriarty’s abrupt return, and Sherlock reunited with John, the game will be afoot in the future. However, we might not have to wait long until another episode surfaces. A few days ago Martin Freeman (the famous John Watson and Bilbo Baggins) claimed that there might be a one-off special episode of the popular series.

Freeman has claimed that the idea is mouth watering, but they’re unsure of when they would film it due to Freeman and Cumberbatch’s other commitments. This special may or may not see the light of the television screen, but let’s hope it does. In other news regarding this fantastic series, Sherlock has started filming and will possibly debut in Fall 2016. Along with this season, another season has been confirmed for future production.

Prepare to keep your eyes peeled for any clue regarding this one-off special of Sherlock. Until then, let’s make deductions of what this possible tantalizing idea could be, and how it will fit in with the Sherlockian universe. As for myself I’m hoping one of two things: one, a Wholock crossover and two, an episode with a few answers regarding Moriarty’s return – for now, I guess that he is an android or the Moriarty at Reichenbach was a clone/stunt double.

What are your thoughts, fellow readers?

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