Friday, July 11, 2014

The Revival of Harry Potter

Good evening all and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Just a few days ago, Diagon Alley opened to the public at Universal Studios Orlando, Florida. What better way to celebrate this occasion than reading a short story written by JK Rowling? Not just any short story, but a little update as to what the Harry Potter crew has been up to. The story was told in the voice of Rita Skeeter, the writer for a tabloid wizard newspaper. It was posted on in the commentary of the Quidditch match between Brazil and Bulgaria. From what we’ve read, we’ve received the following information about the characters we know and love:

The short story caused to crash on Tuesday morning with elation from fans, like myself, who grew up with the famous wizard.

What other characters would you like to get an update on from JK Rowling? 

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