Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Friends or Lovers? You Decide.

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Dating is a dangerous road trip that could possibly lead to the ultimate destination of love. In life, most people to be loved and to love another.  Often we find people to connect with whether they are friends or lovers. Sometimes, we grow apart from our friends while other times we grow closer.  The closer we grow to our friends, the more they become best friends. From the initial friendship, some attraction may form and ultimately develop into a crush. You may then think of your best friend in a new light and contemplate pursuing them.

Here's some pros and cons to dating your best friend:


-They know everything about you from the way you eat your apple to the way you work. They know every single secret you’ve ever told them and every dream you have ever had.

-They already accept and trust you.

-You can love them without pursuing a relationship. As close friends there is already the shared sense of platonic love. Platonic love is nothing romantic, but rather an admiration of their company, who they are, and your connection together.

-You are already comfortable with them on a multitude of levels.


-Should the relationship fail, your friendship is permanently tarnished with little to no repair in sight. Some people do try to fix their friendships after the relationship. It’s a good thing to do, but it is rather awkward. At best, you can separate yourselves from each other until the tension has cleared and discuss what’s on your minds.

-You’ll also be left with unshakable heart ache.
-Intimacy is weird between you two.  Never before would you have imagined your best friend kissing you passionately or engaging in sexual activity with you. The idea of this and actually doing it, may push you away from ever being intimate with them.

-The relationship could feel forced at times because you may feel affection for them, but they do not.

I’ll admit I’ve known people to date their best friends. For some, it turned out for the better. Others are still haunted by the failed relationship that they tried to create with their best friend. I think at some point everyone dates their best friend because they are already accepted and loved by someone who they really trust. To venture outside this safe haven of a friendship would be risking everything and having to build everything with someone else. It’s a lesson to learn in life and it’s one that will definitely help you decide whether you should date your best friend or not.

Thanks for reading today’s entry. If you liked it, feel free to comment, share, and critique.

So tell me, have you ever dated your best friend?

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