Welcome to yet another end of the
week at The Magical Mystery Blog.
I can imagine that most of you enjoy
going out on the weekends, possibly venturing out to a bar or a nice
restaurant. In eateries everywhere, many customers come and go – teenagers who
are on first dates, a group of friends, a parents’ night away from the kids,
and families with children.
Honestly, I love children. They’re
new to the world and have clear slates for minds that can be filled with
knowledge. Their imaginations are as vast as the ocean, especially at this
tender age where they’re exploring everything. Their curiosity knows no bounds
because they want to understand life and all its complexities and simplicities.
However, there are times when kids
act inappropriately in public such as treating the location like a playground,
screaming like they’re on a roller coaster, or overall, just being a pain in
the nose. They misbehave and sometimes the parents let them do what they please
with the philosophy of,”They’re just children. They don’t know any better.”
Yes, children do not know better.
They were not born with instructions on how to act in a restaurant or how to
not run around in a department store. But that’s where parents step in and
teach them how to act, show them what’s wrong and right to do in public, and discipline
them. Or so that’s how it should be.
On September 19th, 2013 a
family was kicked out of a Texas Applebee’s due to their children’s (ages 1 and 3) disruptive behavior. Apparently
their children were sprinting
all over the establishment and screaming at guests. To make matters even
worse, the parents proceeded to fight in front of the entire restaurant. The
manager had received tons of complaints about this particular family and asked
them to leave. No sooner they stepped outside Applebees, the county sheriff
handed them a criminal trespass slip. The owner of the establishment did not
want them in the restaurant anymore due to their behavior. However, he
apologized afterwards and offered them a free meal to which they declined.
![]() |
huffpost.com |
The father, Gau, claims that his
two boys “act
like children. They’re not adults” which is all well and good but it’s a
matter of controlling them. It’s
also an issue of handling yourself in public. If you know your children are
running amok and causing a ruckus, there is no need to join them. Take them by
the hand, instruct them that what they’re doing is wrong, and why. That’s what
you’re there for; you’re a parent, a mentor, a teacher. Children look up to
their mother and father for guidance on every level from dining out to school
While I’m not a parent myself, I
hear stories and even see situations like this occur almost every day. I often compare how my mother and father
raised me to other parents' methods. When I was a
child, I was taught how to behave in locations. Of course, I wasn't always
obedient. I probably misbehaved some in my day. But even so, it’s also common
sense; if you have a child it’s your responsibility to take care of them. You brought them into this world, now you
have to raise them.
I believe that what Applebee's did was
right because the family was disruptive and ruining the night of other guests.
I do not think the restaurant was racist because race has nothing to do with
this situation. It was a matter of how they controlled their children and
themselves – not the color of their skin. They failed to properly discipline
their two sons and themselves and got what they deserved. At first I thought
that alerting the police was a bit extreme but then I
considered the situation. If you were a restaurant owner with a chaotic family, would you want them to return to your establishment?
What do you think? Was Applebee's
right in what they did? Please leave your comments below and as always feedback
and followers are welcomed.