Thursday, December 18, 2014

BBC Theme Park: The Happiest Place in the World

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.
Remember how I said that I was going to post something today aka six days before Christmas? Here it is.

Just recently the Internet buzzed with the rumor of  a possible themepark to be constructed in England featuring all of the BBC’s most popularprograms. Such programs include “Sherlock,” “Top Gear,” “Star Trek,” and “Doctor Who”. Now, like most of you I was fangirling faster than the Indy 500; the future attraction is a combination of two things I adore in life: theme parks and BBC programs. This made me wonder what this bountiful BBC land would have in store for many patrons and I have a few ideas.

7) Restaurants Based Off the Shows

Picture a restaurant devoted to foods that each Doctor has devoured. Along with this particular restaurant would be a miniature gift shop on the way out, featuring cook books and little bags of jelly babies, jammie dodgers, cookies, and other little traveling edibles. I can also picture a restaurant reminiscent to the dining area on the Enterprise, complete with an open bar and such drinks as Beam Me up Scotchie, Warp Drive, and other beverages bearing the show’s theme. There could also be a grab-n-go place themed to “Top Gear” with car shows on televisions inside the eatery. There could also be the sandwich shop from “Sherlock” which rests next to their flat.

While I know that the theme park’s main focus is on the shows I have mentioned, I can’t imagine them not including other popular BBC programs within the attraction. I can imagine there being an elegant, medieval restaurant themed to the show, “Merlin” with entertainment focused on aspects of the program. There would be an “Atlantis” restaurant of course, featuring seafood and having an overall aquatic theme.  I can imagine there would be little snack shacks selling a goulash of different foods and some Britain specialty snacks (tea shops, fish and chips, and other possibilities).

6)  The Arcade

Imagine a giant building divided into different sections for various types of game play (ex.: your classic video arcade game, a room where you could win prizes (claw machines, earning tickets for different gifts), simple simulators, create-a-concept game, and so many others). Now imagine all these wonderful styles of gaming set to the BBC shows. “Doctor Who” themed claw machines, create a mystery for Sherlock to solve, choose-your-plot and character creation with “Orphan Black,” creating and driving your own car with commentary from Richard Hammond, engaging in combat with villains using interactive games based on the show “Merlin,” driving the enterprise with your family and friends as the crew just like “Star Trek”, or testing your intelligence with Q from “Star Trek.” I don’t know about you, but I think I just fangirled a bit.

5) Attractions Based on Other BBC Programs

“Doctor Who,” “Top Gear,” “Star Trek”, and “Sherlock” are the most popular shows that the BBC has to offer. Yet there are other shows that also explode with praise, such as “Orphan Black,” “Atlantis,” and “Merlin.” I can’t see BBC denying these other hit programs when thinking about their theme park. “Atlantis” could start off as an underwater voyage with passengers in a submarine vessel, going through the sea. When their car arrives in Atlantis, the roof of the vehicle retracts, and riders can take in all the splendors that the ride showcases of Gods and kings. “Orphan Black” could be a shoot ‘em up ride where you board black vehicles with guns attached to them. Every time a villain emerges, you attack them and escape while you have the chance. “Merlin” could have a sideshow of fire breathers, dancers, medieval magic tricks, and essentially become a miniature Renaissance Faire in the heart of this theme park. “Merlin”’s ride could be a journey through the castle, while encountering Morgana along the way as well as others, and finishing it off with a battle between Merlin and the Last Dragon.

4) A “Star Trek” Ride

“Star Trek” is what people like to confuse “Star Wars” with. As for myself, I’m a Trekkie and a “Star Wars” fan though Patrick Stewart, Lenard Nemoy, and William Shatner win me over easily. Designing a ride for “Star Trek” would be a bit of a challenge for creators, because Disney already has Space Mountain (a galactic roller coaster) and Star Tours (a simulator ride).  Yet my brain has brewed something rather interesting to say the least.

In an episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” Captain Picard had been transformed into a Borg and the team had to rescue him. This plot could be the idea of a stand up roller coaster where riders enter the Enterprise and are brought to the deck. There, they watch a brief synopsis of what has happened: Picard going with the Borgs, and Data explaining the rescue mission. After this, riders venture to the teleportation chambers where their vehicle awaits them. The vehicle will be a stand up set of cars with safety bars over the shoulders and stomachs. Once they are strapped in, they will propel forward into space. As they slowly ascend the first lift hill, Picard’s introduction to the series is played. After the initial drop, the show’s theme commences as they are shot into a large cube that serves as the Borg’s digital world. The riders zig zag throughout this cube, encountering the Borg as well as Borg!Picard. The ride would conclude with a quadruple corkscrew and a few drops and dips into the ending bay where we see the crew surrounded by Picard returned to normal.

3) “Top Gear” Rides and Show

“Top Gear” would be a bit difficult to construct a ride for, which is why I have a few ideas in mind. The first one would be a bumper car ride featuring all of the different cars they have driven in the past. Another idea would be to have a “Top Gear” car show similar to Disney’s Lights, Motors, Action! Stunt Show found in EuroDisney and Walt Disney World. The distinct differences between the two would be more comedy, possibly showcasing a new car each month, and clips from the show to help illustrate their points. A final idea for a ride would be to have a raceway based on cars used in the show.  The race way would have a set track, but riders could control the speed with the ride operator managing each car on a monitor. If the operator feels as though they are too close to another car, they can  gently slow the vehicle down to avoid accidents.

2) “Sherlock” Street, Park Event, and Rides

Everyone remembers 221 Baker Street because they know what lies in that particular flat. Somewhere near (or leading up to Todder’s Lane) should be a street solely devoted to “Sherlock”. This street would include the sandwich shop next to 221, the building used for Reichenbach (with a photo op), and perhaps a walkthrough of the apartment itself with commentary from John, Sherlock, and Ms. Hudson playing throughout as well as violin music.

Another idea for a “Sherlock” attraction, would be to have a park event where people are given a Sherlock themed notepad and a deer stalker. Throughout the park would be various clues that lead to the solution for a crime. Once park goers have collected all the clues, they must venture to a place called The Mind Palace. There, they will input their clues, and help Sherlock solve the crime.
With all the Sherlock stories, there are many ideas to mold into rides. While I only have a few in mind, I can imagine ride developers will have a field day.

1) A “Doctor Who” Ride and Show

I’m not quite certain what the plot behind this ride could be because there so many ideas. But it would have to be something dynamic yet simple. However, I can imagine how the ride would be laid out. People would enter the outside of the attraction which is Todder’s Lane and stumble upon various props from the Whoverse scattered about. Upon finding a particular blue box, they would enter it only to find a rather large loading area on the inside. The inside of the Tardis would be Capaldi’s to keep up with the current Doctor and his voice would be played throughout the area. People would start to line up going upward (where his book shelf is), then descend downward to the main console, which displays the mission at hand on various screens.

Riders would then walk down the stairs to encounter the underside of the Tardis console and a loading dock to get into a car. I can imagine the cars would be designed like the ones from Mystic Manor in Hong Kong Disneyland and operate in the same wireless format. The cars would be designed like the chamber that encased the Daleks for the reason of “Timelord Science” (everything is bigger on the inside).

From there, the cars would be thrust into space accompanied by the opening theme, and mild spinning.  The cars would spin every so often throughout the ride other than the initial launch sequence. The ride’s plot could possibly focus on the idea of the Doctor showing his companion (in this case, you) the wonders of the universe. Each room would house a new species or planet from the series or one designed by Moffat or Gatniss. If your vehicle happens to stumble upon a murderous race, the car will shake and slow down as though the monster is trying to attack your car. Your car would be captured in a tug of war between this beast and the Doctor who struggles to pull you into safety, while fending off the monster. When he manages to free you, your car will shoot forward like a rocketship taking off into orbit, and either continue or end your ride.

Another idea would be to have another shoot ‘em up ride, destroying a vile alien race that wants to dominate the world, and make humans their slaves. There could also be a stage show with “Doctor Who,” with a simple plot of Clara and the Doctor investigate an issue, turns out it’s the Daleks’ doing, Doctor calls upon an audience member to help him save the world from the Daleks, all is well.  The “Doctor Who” section of the park could also feature a museum with props, various alien species, and iconic outfits from both new and old series.

If there is anything you'd like to see discussed, have feedback, or would like to get a hold of me feel free to review or comment. Before I end this entry, I have a question for you:

What would you like to see in a BBC theme park?

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