Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Nintendo Land: A Victory for Gamers

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Just recently, Nintendo announced a partnership with Universal Studios to produce a Nintendo themed land in Universal Studios parks. From this venture, we’ll be getting new rides, concession stands, arcades, gift shops, and many more theme park related activities.

One of the great things about this new Nintendo land in the Orlando, Florida, is that it can easily dominate and eliminate the Marvel Island section of Universal’s Islands of Adventure. They could do this because there’s no need for it to exist since Disney has already purchased Marvel a few years ago. Disney could very well create their own Marvel Island somewhere on their property – they have more than enough space to do so, especially since in a few years or so we’ll be receiving Avatar Land in Animal Kingdom.

So far no attractions have been announced for Universal Studios’ newest addition, but I have a few ideas as to what they could do.

1. A Starfox Roller Coaster

In Universal Studios, Florida we have the iconic Incredible Hulk roller coaster. It’s one of the first things you see and hear when you step into the Islands of Adventure. It’s one of the most epic and famous rides of Universal Studios. With the new Nintendo land, this roller coaster could very well be transformed into a roller coaster based on the Starfox franchise. Riders would board cars fashioned to look like Starfox’s ship and have the same over the head harnesses and seatbelts to secure them. The cars’ color would be changed from Hulk green to ivory and violet to match Starfox’s craft.

The track could be kept the same, but repainted with a nice black or grey shade to imitate space.  The only change that should be made to the track is that there has to be a barrel roll sequence with Peppy’s  famous “do a barrel roll!” quote being played as riders enter the barrel roll.

The lift hill would have to be replaced with audio and a new design, changing the dialogue of Bruce Banner to Starfox and his pals conversing, making sure that all systems are good to go before the speed picks up in the lift hill. The overall look of the lift hill’s interior would be the launch shoot of a spaceship pertaining to the Starfox franchise.

During the ride, you would hear Starfox’s voice as well as the other members of the crew giving orders to the ship, replacing the Hulk’s roars.  At one point riders encounter a covered section with fog; this could easily be replicated with a large, spinning tunnel that looks like space complete with moving images of Starfox’s ship firing at an enemy’s craft and sound effects to match.

2. Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is a cute video game which has won the hearts of many (myself included) and it could easily be designed like Disney’s It’s a Small World. The music would feature various tunes from the game. Your car would be themed after the car that initially transports to the town.
Each room focuses on the interior of the iconic buildings from Animal Crossing: New Leaf – the latest addition to the franchise, complete with their characters. It will also feature other famous characters from some of the other Animal Crossing games. Each room will also feature a sky coordinating to that room (Ex.: the Observatory/The Roost room features a glittering night sky with constellations, the Able Sisters’ shop/ Kicks would have a ceiling of draping fabric).

Riders are welcomed by the town tree which towers over them, surrounded by a blue sky which often changes to seasons as well as the tree. Riders go through a large hole cut out under the tree, accompanied by the main score of the game. The first room would be the mayor’s office to the left, complete with Isabelle welcoming you to the town. On the right would feature the post office with Pelly and Phyllis exchanging conversation. The second room would be Re-Tails with Reese and Cyrus on the left with Nookling Junction to the right, featuring Timmy Nook and Tommy Nook. The third room features the Able Sisters’ shop with Mable, Sable, and Labelle sewing various fabric and displaying it to the left while Kicks would be on the right. In the fourth room would be Nook’s Homes to the left with Tom Nook and Lyle, while on the right would be the garden shop with Leif. In the fifth room riders will encounter the museum; this entire room is solely devoted to this main building because there’s so much to it. On the left would be Blathers, dozing on and off, surrounded by dinosaur skeletons in the front most part and bugs further onward.  A brontosaurus’ neck towers over the riders, shifting their gaze to the right half of the room where fish dominate the front most section with paintings just beyond it.

The sixth room features the Observatory on the left, complete with the gigantic telescope and Celeste occasionally dozing on and off beneath a starry filled sky with constellations and shooting stars that twinkle. To the right is The Roost, complete with Brewster and K.K.Rider jamming out on his guitar to The Roost’s tune. The seventh room features Katrina who takes a different approach to the characters who are on the ground. Katrina floats a few feet off the ground, her eyes glowing as she chants some strange words while a crystal ball floats in her hands beneath a table. Around her, seals and symbols glow as Egytpian themed items and objects ( tarot cards, candles, instruments, etc.) float about her as a starry sky shines overhead with a full moon. To the right is Crazy Redd surrounded by paintings and sculptures; he hides behind a sculpture to avoid Katrina and only focus on you.  The eighth room features Shampoodle to the left with Harriet humming the main theme as she cuts a villager’s hair. On the right is Club LOL displaying Dr. Shrunk telling jokes on a stage surrounded by tables with villagers eating and laughing. The final room showcases various styled houses with neighbors in front waving to you beneath a firework filled sky as a UFO flies across. The houses give way as you get closer and closer to a beach themed area, complete with shells, coral, and bottles dotted along the shore. As riders are led into the loading dock, Mr. Resetti bids them a fond farewell, reminding them to always save their game or else he’ll appear.

3. Luigi’s Mansion

Every theme park has a haunted house ride. Luigi’s Mansion would make the perfect haunted house attraction. Your trackless, wifi vehicle is supposedly made by the famous Professor E.Gad, who has sealed it with a protective force field that will allow you to observe the ghosts, but in no way will the ghosts harm you or your car. The vehicle’s mechanic is just like the Hong Kong cars from Mystery Manor. It’s a dark shaded car with the mansion’s designs on it, that can seat about four people. As you enter the mansion, the ghosts’ presence surprisingly overpowers the force field and you are left defenseless to roam in the mansion. The ghosts are the bosses from the game as well as minor ghosts that roam about the hall. Ghosts will randomly strike your car, causing a slight swerve as you stay on the guided path. Various objects will interact with an invisible force; vases will spin, pictures will come to life, candles will flicker, etc.

4.Metroid Shoot Em Up

Take a seat in a four person car built with Samus’ iconic arm gun which you will use to shoot down various metroids and other enemies. The cars are designed to that of Toy Story’s Midway Mania, but colored and detailed to look like Samus’ iconic orange suit. The miniature dashboard will keep track of your score and your targets will be painted with the Metroid logo. When the target is struck you will hear a Samus’ gun fire. You will fight two bosses in this ride, the first one being Mother Brain which you will meet halfway during the ride after encountering hordes of Metroids. The final boss is Ridley who is trying to steal a contained Metroid. At the end, your points will determine your rank. There will be five ranks: Zero, Prime, Hunter, Super, and Fusion.

5.Mario Karts

Because who doesn’t want real life Mario Kart? Pick your cart based on Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Wario, Daisy, Boo, Yoshi, Waluigi, and Toad. The cars that are used are the standard Mario Karts. There will be four roads to choose from : Rainbow Road, Mario Kart Circuit, Toad Harbor, and Sherbert Land.  Each track will bear the theme in every single detail, even down to the music. The pick ups are cubes embedded in the track read by a sensor that’s located beneath the car. The item is randomized and you can activate it by pressing a button on the dashboard and choosing which player you would like to hit. The item screen will also tell you what item/items you and other riders have. Once you  have selected one of your items/item, it will be sent over a wi fi transmitter, and the player’s car will receive it. A screen will appear on their dashboard that a player has hit them with an item and their car will react to it.

The car will move forward slightly when they are struck with the Boomerang Flower, the car will vibrate and lose its items when it is blasted with the Super Horn, the car will gain speed (which the player can apply to by pressing the gas pedal) when they receive an item that powers up their speed, the car will go slow when struck by Lightning and loses any item, the car will jerk slightly to the side whenever they are hit with an item that knocks them over, the car will negate any item when the rider has any sort of protection items, the other rider’s car will make a chomping sound if they are struck with a Piranha Plant, the car will follow a guided path that’s only activated when they receive a Bullet Bill and alert other players to move out of the way if they are on the path, the rider in first place (as well as others who happen to be in the way) will swerve slightly when a Spiny Shell is cast, and the other player’s car will make an exploding side and swerve slightly when a Bob-omb is released on them.

There will also be another screen to show you your current ranking and where everyone else is. The winners will be determined after the race which consists of 5 laps. The first place winner gets a little trophy. There is no possible way for anyone to physically be knocked off the track because each track will be walled in. At best, if a player should hit the wall, they will meet with foam padding to prevent injury. There will be an automatic register over the finish line as you complete your laps.

6. Donkey Kong Log Flume

So you decide to take a little trip through the jungles of Donkey King, fantastic choice! Your vehicle is shaped like a log adorned with bananas and your adventure takes you through the jungle, following Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, and all of their friends. Along the way you run into King K Rool who tries to drown you and your vehicle by various means of wetting you (sudden little drops, water cannons, things that shoot water at you, etc.). Your final drop will take you into the Jungle Japes where we see Donkey Kong fighting King K Rool for trying to harm you.  The final scene of the attraction will feature Donkey Kong celebrating his triumph over a now defeated King K Rool while everyone rejoices the iconic gorilla.

7. Bayonetta’s Descent

Bayonetta’s ride could be a 3-D adventure where you ride around in a car. The story is simple, once again Jeanne has somehow found herself in Hell and needs rescuing. Bayonetta decides to get some help this time (the riders) in her quest to save her friend. Riders follow Bayonetta as she takes on larger than life demons and angels while the area around them crumbles and their car spins and swerves around. Her final boss is the God of the Underworld himself as she takes him on. At one point you’re recklessly tossed about by this angered deity and Bayonetta saves you with the aid of one her demon hands as she summons one of her ultimate demons to take out the God.

I notice Universal has a lot of rides like these such as Terminator, Transformers, and at one point they even had a Back to the Future ride similar to this. Surely, a Bayonetta one can’t hurt, right?

8. Pokemon Snap

This ride, similar to Disney World’s Dinosaur design, will feature something that players have been wanting to make a comeback for years: Pokemon Snap. Pokemon Snap is an old game for the N64 where you take pictures of Pokemon.  The ride will be the mobile, real life version of this game. Your car is the vehicle you rode in the game merged with the vehicle from Disney’s Dinosaur attraction. Each rider will be given an ipad like device that’s built into the ride and can be raised with a cord holding it in place. They will be able to take pictures of Pokemon on the right, left, above, and in front.

The more pictures you take of Pokemon, the higher your rank goes up; your rank will be determined when the ride is over. There are five ranks in total: Trainer, Leader, Elite, Champion, Pokemon Master.  Sure, this sounds like an easy venture, but in order to reach the Master level you have to take pictures of all 750 Pokemon that are littered throughout the ride. Pokemon will be dotted with a large, Pokeball that your “camera” must trigger to get the picture. When it registers, you will hear a click like a Pokemon being captured in a Pokeball.

9. Legend of Zelda: Castle Adventure

Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure already has one castle (Hogwarts), so let’s add a few more. This ride could be an indoor, family roller coaster that leads to an outdoor track. The cars would be themed to look like Epona and bear Hylian seals on the sides. The inside track introduces Link pulling forth the Master Sword in a fairy temple and Zelda playing the harp. It then relays a story of Princess Zelda and Link receiving a letter from a mysterious enemy who threatens to kidnap the princess and obtain the ultimate power of the triforce. The unknown enemy shows up later and summons a horde of monsters that Link and Zelda fight. The enemy is then shown stealing Zelda, followed by Link promising he will save her leading into a downward drop inside the castle. The track leads into the outside of the castle.

The outside portion of the ride shows Link fighting off more of the enemy’s monsters in a forest the. This continues for at least two drop hills, riders are launched into a few air time curves and they see Link encountering the mysterious enemy who is holding Zelda hostage and is removing his hood, revealing himself to be Ganondorf. The scenery changes from forest to the exterior of Ganon’s Castle, where riders are sent into the palace. First, they are in the dungeon, then the throne room where Ganondorf is dragging Zelda to a room where he claims all the power of Hyrule will be his. Then, they enter a temple like room where the Hylian crest shows itself just as Link emerges, trying to attack Ganondorf. As riders reach the top spire of the palace, they see all three pieces of the triforce glowing, and Ganondorf claiming he now has power. Once more, they are launched downward and witness Link fighting Ganondorf. Ganondorf is slain after more sharp turns, leaving riders on their sides, and they straighten out as Link retrieves Zelda. The station they return to is Epona’s stable.

10. Kirby’s Sky High Adventure

Kirby has granted you the power of flight in this little ride that could easily replace Dr. Doom’s Fearfall. It’s extremely possible to change the overall color of green and purple to a pastel blue sky dotted with clouds and stars carrying characters from Kirby’s games. Tower one would be called Kirby’s Ascent, the cars would be changed to a soft pink with red harnesses and the track would be a bright pink. Tower one’s door would bear Kirby’s face as he welcomes the riders aboard. Tower two would be called King Dedede’s Triumph, the cars would be changed to crimson with blue harnesses and the track would be a bright yellow.  Tower two’s door would feature King Dedede’s face, telling riders that his tower is much faster and more fun than Kirby’s while welcoming them aboard.

11. Nintendo’s Carousel

This isn’t just a carousel themed after one character. This is a carousel based on a collective of Nintendo creatures such as Epona, Ponyta, the Ultimate Chimera from Earthbound, Yoshi, Bulborb from Pikmin, and many more.

Among other things that could be found at Nintendo Land could be another Nintendo Tower similar to the one in New York, concessions featuring foods based off of video games (yes, we finally we get to taste Peach’s cake), an arcade filled with old style Nintendo games and virtual reality games that allow you to take on the Super Mario Bros. levels and fight as Link, and many more attractions.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, share, and critique.

So tell me, what would you like to see in Nintendo Land?

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