Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Pokemon Go: Gotta Go Global

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Pokemon Go has people everywhere more excited than an Electabuzz using Thunder Punch. Last night we received some incredible news about this up and coming game for our phones.
Pokemon Go will feature Pokemon Gyms that you can use to level up your Pokemon. Players are encouraged to take advantage of gyms whenever they encounter one because they will be a scarce commodity.  Gamers can also join with other teams to fight in the style of double or triple battles.

The Pokemon will be obtainable no sooner you leave your house. Within five minutes from your home you will encounter a Pokemon – it may not be a legendary, but it will be a Pokemon nonetheless. There will be a population of Pokemon living near every player. Pokemon will also be available in specific areas based on their typing. For example, Staryu may be found at a beach, Weedles may be found in a forest, and Pidoves may be found on statues. Legendary Pokemon will be much more difficult to find based on their status in the Pokemon world and location in our world. To catch em all, players are encouraged to trade with friends or travel extensively (though the prior option would be easier).

The Pokemon Go Plus (the watch like device that will be worn for this venture) will vibrate when a Pokemon is nearby. After entering a certain button sequence, the Pokemon will be captured and can later be viewed on the Pokemon Go app.

Pokemon Go will be played everywhere from the Alpines to Zimbabwe and everywhere in between. This venture will literally unite the world in Pokemon, friendships, combat, and a lifetime of memories to come. To be honest, I never thought I’d see anything like this in my life, but I am more than excited to embrace this new world of Pokemon.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, critique, share, and subscribe.

So tell me, what gym leader would you like to fight?

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