Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Future of Final Fantasy XV

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

“Final Fantasy XV” has surprised us with a ton of news overnight. So hang onto your chocobos because here’s what’s coming for us.

For starters, FFXV is getting an anime produced by A-1 Pictures (the studio that crafted “Sword Art Online” and “Black Butler”) entitled: “Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV”. The five part series will run on Youtube for free; the first episode is already uploaded for our viewing pleasure. The episodes will chronicle events prior to the game’s release on September 30th, 2016 for the PS4 and Xbox One.

However, if you can’t wait until September 30th, feel free to download FFXV’s Platinum Demo for the same consoles. Available now, the demo will follow a young Noctis and will reward the player with an exclusive summon should they beat it.

For the cherry on the cake, FFXV is also getting a CGI movie. Entitled Kingsglaive Final Fantasy, the movie will premiere in November 2016 just two months after the game’s release. The movie will be a spin-off to the game and tell the story of King Regis (Noctis’ father) and the political events that lead to war consuming the kingdom of Lucis.

To make this film even better, actors from “Breaking Bad” and “Game of Thrones” will be cast. Aaron Paul (“Breaking Bad”) will be playing the character Nyx, Lena Headey (“Game of Thrones”) will take on the role of Princess Luna, and Sean Bean (“Game of Thrones)” will play King Regis.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, critique, share, and subscribe.

So tell me, what are you most excited to see about “Final Fantasy XV”?

Parents: Get With the Program

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Most of you are in your teens to twenties and probably live with strict parents. Especially if you’re an only child or a younger sibling, things tend to seem unfair. Some parents fall back relentlessly on ideals from the 50s (if not older) and never seem to let them go. Tonight, I’m going to dispel some of these ridiculous myths that you may have heard throughout your lifetime.

1.”If you hang out with nothing but men, you’re a whore.” – FALSE. Ladies, guess what? We can have nothing but guys as friends and it’s okay. Why? Because they’re human just like us and maybe you prefer to do things with them as opposed to women. It’s perfectly okay and by no means are you a whore. Rather, you just have awesome friends you like to do things with.

2.”Everyone is out to get you.” – FALSE. For starters, this is something you shouldn’t tell someone with anxiety or paranoia because it only makes it worse. Regardless, yes, the world is comprised of wonderful people and terrible people. Not everyone is out to get you because they are too focused on their lives to even care about you. However, it is still good to be cautious when venturing out in the world – just don’t overdo it.
3.”You need a man to do things and go places with.” – FALSE.  I’m pretty sure that most of us can handle ourselves in this world. Granted, there’s nothing wrong with the buddy system and hanging out with friends is fun. Yet there are some days when we want to have some ‘me’ time and do things we want to without anyone’s company. We don’t need an escort or a chaperone. We can do it all ourselves.

4. “You can’t drive alone at night because it’s dangerous.” – FALSE. Want to know the difference between day time driving and night time driving? Headlights. There’s also a fewer amount of cars on the road as well as people, but as long as you know where you’re going, stay awake, and keep your doors locked, you should be fine.
5. “You shouldn’t wear boys’ clothes because you’ll look like a lesbian.” – FALSE. Why not dress in boys’ clothes? For the record, I am incredibly girly – I will wear pink frilly dresses until I’m deceased, but I love wearing big shirts and men’s sweatpants because they are comfortable. Am I a lesbian? No, I am a heterosexual, but I do believe homosexuals have an equal right to marry, to wear whatever they want, and to be treated as a normal person.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe, share, comment, and critique.

So tell me, what are some things your parents say that drive you insane?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Never Lose Your Passion

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

A few days ago I witnessed something that absolutely broke my heart because it made me realize that no matter at what age it is said, it’s still diminishing to hear.

I was at the store waiting to pay for my groceries. There was a boy, no more than six years old who was trying to talk to his mother about something and she kept responding dully with ‘uh huhs’ and ‘yeahs’.  Her eyes were focused on her phone – I have no idea what she was looking at, but they were in the line next to me. From what I could tell, the boy was excited about “Captain America : Civil War” coming out soon and how awesome it was going to be (and let’s face it, it’s going to be amazing). At one point, he grabbed an action figure of Captain America that happened to be resting on a magazine rack (I guess someone put it there). He kept trying to get his mom’s attention, trying to show her the figure, and explain to her how cool Captain America will be in the movie. Finally, she looked over and stared at at the figure blankly before saying:

“Oh, I thought it was something important.”

It was as though someone told the kid that Santa didn’t exist. His crestfallen eyes gazed at the Captain America figure and he bit his lip. He put the action figure back and kept quiet for the remainder of their time in the store. His head was bowed and his mother kept prattling away on her phone until it was their turn in the checkout line.

For the record, I am not a parent nor do I intend on being one, but when you diminish someone’s passion it hurts them terribly. I’ve seen it in relationships where partners attempt to express something they’re passionate about to their significant other only to be shot down with that line, if not something similar to it. The awkward silence that follows that line is the listener realizing that that person may not care and the other one questioning: is what I feel so strongly about important?

Yes, yes it is because that something is a part of who you are. It’s something that makes you grin from ear to ear and want to shout it to the world because you find it wonderful.  It’s something that inspires you, gives you life, and makes you excited as a child on Christmas morning. It’s a part of you that has deeply affected you in some way. Never lose whatever that special something is.

Furthermore, never lose sight of what makes you feel alive because someone disapproves of it or simply doesn’t care. If that person doesn’t understand your passion or enthusiasm for something you love dearly and proceeds to diminish it and berate you about it, then you really have to wonder if they appreciate you.  When they tell you, “Oh I thought it was something important” you tell them, “Well it’s important to me.” If they brush that off, fight you about it, or refuse to understand why you love what you do, then forget them. Find someone else to vent your passions to, teach them about how wonderful it is, and why it makes you love it so.  There are tons of people in the world who share the same passions as you; you either haven’t met them yet or you will meet them in due time.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, critique, share, and subscribe.

So tell me, what do you love so dearly and why?

Monday, March 14, 2016

Tom Hiddleston in "Sherlock"

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

A few days ago a certain “Sherlock” rumor has been confirmed. No, there’s not going to be Johnlock (not that I know of anyway).  No, we’re not going to be getting it any sooner.

Sherrinford Holmes is the mysterious, third brother of Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. All this time, Sherrinford has been nothing more than a mere whisper in the program. Now, we will finally see who Sherrinford is and how he’ll play into the new season of “Sherlock”.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe, share, comment, and critique.

So tell me, what are your thoughts on Sherrinford Holmes? 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ezekiel: A Victim of Anti-Vaxxing

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

It is incredibly important for people to take care of themselves. This includes mental health days, eating properly, and getting vaccinated. With the world still wrapped in the topic of vaccines cause various problems, people are exploring other options. Some use herbal remedies, others use healing crystals, and others use maple syrup and water. While I was thankfully vaccinated, I can’t say the same for Ezekiel Stephan.

Ezekiel Stephan, a 19 month old boy in Alberta Canada, died of meningitis by his parents’ “naturopathic remedies”. Meningitis is a vaccine treatable disease, but his parents chose to give him various concoctions including water with maple syrup, olive leaf extract, and a mixture of apple cider vinegar, horse radish root, hot peppers, mashed onion, garlic and ginger root. The parents (David Stephan and Collet Stephan) fed Ezekiel these mixtures as his condition worsened because they refused to vaccinate him due to having a negative experience with the Canadian health system.

This specific experience involved Health Canada attempting to (and failing) stop the distribution of Empowerplus, a mineral and vitamin mixture crafted by David and Collet, the owners of a natural supplements distributor called Truehope. David claimed that Empowerplus could easily manage bi-polarity and used it on Ezekiel to eliminate the meningitis. Health Canada issued warnings regarding Empowerplus because it didn’t have a drug identification number or scientific backing.

The parents have pleaded not guilty in court for neglecting their son and failing to give him the proper medical treatment. They’ve even complained on social media sites about the case and critics preventing them from raising money for their son’s death and their defense through online fundraisers. They’ve also stated that their approach to health should be respected and that they are being unfairly persecuted.

The rumor about vaccines being linked to autism and other health illnesses has been one of the most damaging medical hoaxes in the past 100 years. It has been widely disproved that vaccines do not lead to any of these conditions, yet there are people like David and Collet, who believe otherwise. Frankly it’s a shame that the choices of the parent cause the child to suffer, especially in this case. Should the couple be convicted, they will possibly face five years in prison and the loss of their children. Here’s hoping those other children survive whatever illness comes their way, unlike Ezekiel.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, critique, subscribe, and share.

So tell me, what are your thoughts on vaccines and anti-vaxxers?

Sherlock and Beautiful Bones

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

It’s been a while since I’ve viewed any good anime; so I decided to remedy that by starting the series “Beautiful Bones”. While I’ve only viewed three out of twelve episodes, there’s something rather peculiar that I’ve noticed about this anime. It’s something that sparked when I first started to watch it and only now, can I confidently confirm my belief about this show.

“Beautiful Bones” is basically a Japanese take on “Sherlock”.

For starters, “Beautiful Bones” is a series of murder mysteries that the main protagonists solve to understand death and how beautiful it is. The series takes place in the present much like Sherlock, allowing for a modern ambiance. However, it seems that the only technology used is cell phones and behind the scenes autopsy work performed on corpses. This is similar to “Sherlock” where cell phones, an autopsy lab, and computer related technology are features of the modern era it’s filmed in.

In “Beautiful Bones” there’s Sakurako Kujo, the main female protagonist. She acts as the show’s Sherlock Holmes – entering a mind palace constructed of walking bones no sooner she slips on forensic gloves at crime scenes, disliking human interaction (especially interpersonal relationships) and contact, incredibly sharp witted and intelligent, utilizing her extensive knowledge of biology with the surroundings and situation to craft near perfect predictions, and bearing an affinity for bones, especially those of humans.

Then there’s her sidekick, Shotaro Tatewaki who is the program’s John Watson – an average male with excellent fighting skills who grows accustomed to the sight of death and bones, cares greatly for Sakurako despite their relationship, is modest and selfless, and is sometimes skeptical of Sakurako’s mannerisms.

Then there’s also Ume Sawa, the overall caretaker of Sakurako’s residence. She acts as the Mrs. Hudson of the show with her caring nature and treats Sakurako as though she were her child; the same treatment is also applied to Shotaro. While she isn’t the landlady, she still fusses over keeping the
mansion tidy and isn’t bothered in the least bit by Sakurako’s collection of skeletons.

So far, “Beautiful Bones” is a fantastic anime that has me (and hopefully you) interested for what’s in store. It’s not gory or even horrific; at best, it provides the same suspenseful antics and moments as “Sherlock” that will keep you wanting more.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to share, subscribe, comment, and critique.

So tell me, what are your thoughts on “Beautiful Bones”?

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon: Theorizing Everything!

Good evening everyone and welcome  to The Magical Mystery Blog.

With Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon announced for the 3DS this holiday 2016, Pokefans rejoiced over the new installation to the popular franchise. While we don’t know much about Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, we can still theorize a few things about these upcoming games.

-New Pokemon: We already have Magearna and during the announcement video of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, we saw a digital rendering of a new Pokemon. At first I thought it was Fletchling due to its body shape and colors, but upon closer examination it wasn’t Fletchling. It was bird Pokemon I had never seen before. Come to think of it, with every generation release isn’t there a new Eevee type? I wonder what it will be this time; perhaps a space type given the celestial theme of this new generation?

-New location: This time our adventure takes place on a tropical island. One of the game’s screenshots revealed what appeared to be a hotel decorated with various water Pokemon and surrounded by palm trees. It would make sense for this new venture to take place in a tropical location because there hasn’t been an entire adventure devoted to any part of the tropics.

-New features: Yes, we will be receiving a new Pokecenter as well as vehicles designed to fit Pokemon for various purposes (ex.: There’s a firetruck with Blastoise seated on the back). There’s also a pickup truck and an ambulance, but what does this mean? Will we be driving now or incorporating vehicles into the game?

-The Logos: Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, we already have a slew of Pokemon that feature traits regarding the Sun and Moon. Solrock and Lunatone, Espeon and Umbreon are just a few. With every new Pokemon generation release, there’s a new legendary Pokemon incorporated with the title. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y had Xerneas and Yveltal, Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Ruby had Kyogre and Groudon. So what Pokemon will represent this generation? Already released Pokemon or new Pokemon? Or perhaps even a mega evolution of Pokemon we know like Solrock and Luantone?

-The Theme: Pokemon Sun and Moon sounds cosmic to me, which means we could have another Team Galactic type of opponent. We could also have towns named after celestial bodies or planets; we could even have space exploration like in ORAS. The possibilities are endless as they are exciting and I can’t wait to see what’s in store.

Thank you for reading today’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe, share, comment, and critique.

So tell me, what do you think Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will feature?