Thursday, March 31, 2016

Parents: Get With the Program

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Most of you are in your teens to twenties and probably live with strict parents. Especially if you’re an only child or a younger sibling, things tend to seem unfair. Some parents fall back relentlessly on ideals from the 50s (if not older) and never seem to let them go. Tonight, I’m going to dispel some of these ridiculous myths that you may have heard throughout your lifetime.

1.”If you hang out with nothing but men, you’re a whore.” – FALSE. Ladies, guess what? We can have nothing but guys as friends and it’s okay. Why? Because they’re human just like us and maybe you prefer to do things with them as opposed to women. It’s perfectly okay and by no means are you a whore. Rather, you just have awesome friends you like to do things with.

2.”Everyone is out to get you.” – FALSE. For starters, this is something you shouldn’t tell someone with anxiety or paranoia because it only makes it worse. Regardless, yes, the world is comprised of wonderful people and terrible people. Not everyone is out to get you because they are too focused on their lives to even care about you. However, it is still good to be cautious when venturing out in the world – just don’t overdo it.
3.”You need a man to do things and go places with.” – FALSE.  I’m pretty sure that most of us can handle ourselves in this world. Granted, there’s nothing wrong with the buddy system and hanging out with friends is fun. Yet there are some days when we want to have some ‘me’ time and do things we want to without anyone’s company. We don’t need an escort or a chaperone. We can do it all ourselves.

4. “You can’t drive alone at night because it’s dangerous.” – FALSE. Want to know the difference between day time driving and night time driving? Headlights. There’s also a fewer amount of cars on the road as well as people, but as long as you know where you’re going, stay awake, and keep your doors locked, you should be fine.
5. “You shouldn’t wear boys’ clothes because you’ll look like a lesbian.” – FALSE. Why not dress in boys’ clothes? For the record, I am incredibly girly – I will wear pink frilly dresses until I’m deceased, but I love wearing big shirts and men’s sweatpants because they are comfortable. Am I a lesbian? No, I am a heterosexual, but I do believe homosexuals have an equal right to marry, to wear whatever they want, and to be treated as a normal person.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe, share, comment, and critique.

So tell me, what are some things your parents say that drive you insane?

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