Monday, April 25, 2016

Welcome to the Tardis, Pearl Mackie

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Pearl Mackie is the Doctor’s new companion for the future of “Doctor Who”.

Pearl Mackie is a native Londoner who is an acting tutor for children and starred in “Doctors” (a British soap opera) and is currently in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time at the National Theatre.  She has also performed in “Svengali” (a British film) and a music video for the band, Years & Years. As an accomplished dancer and actress, Mackie is excited for what the Doctor has in store for her.

Described as a combination of maturity and immaturity, Mackie takes on the role of knowing barely anything about the Doctor. This is a drastic contrast when compared to the last companion, Clara Oswald, who knew everything about the Doctor given her role in his lives. Mackie also emerges as the first non-white companion in approximately eight years with the last colored companion being Martha Jones (Freema Ageyman).

As for Capaldi, he was more than happy to welcome Mackie to the set. In fact, he even requested that the next companion to be a woman because he didn’t “want a bloke, because [Capaldi was] frightened that they’ll give him all the action and [he]’ll be standing around spouting scientific gobbledygook”. The notion of an inquisitive, enthusiastic young lady alongside the Doctor is refreshing to Capaldi and believes the combination works.

So far we’ve only seen a brief clip of her and the Doctor being pursued by a Dalek. Her name in the show will be Bill and she will appear in the series starting next year, after the Christmas special.

Thanks for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, subscribe, share, and critique.

So tell me, what do you think of the new companion?

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