Monday, May 23, 2016

Save the Animals from Selfies

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Some days I wonder if humanity is making progress or falling behind. Then I remember this year’s sick addiction of humans forcibly interacting with animals and recall why I don’t have that much faith in humanity.

For thousands of years human and animals have lived side by side, but sometimes people tend to ruin this coexistence. While there has been rigorous and horrific poaching and animal abuse in the past (and sadly continues to persist), this year seems to be outstanding in just how low humans can be with animals for ungodly moronic reasons.

So far, we’ve had an endangered baby dolphin die because people needed to take a selfie with it. The dolphin’s exposure outside the ocean, weather, and constant manhandling caused it to pass on. Shortly after this event, there was a man who actually dragged a shark out of the water, just to take a selfie with it. The man threw the shark back into the water, but it did not swim far because it washed up on the shore moments later.

Recently, a man and his son visited a national park and put a bison calf into their van because they believed it was freezing and dying. Bison can easily survive the cold weather due to their thick layers of fur, but the father and son were adamant in their belief. They were ticketed for their efforts and the baby bison was euthanized because its family rejected it. When people interfere with bison (especially baby bison), it can lead to the mother abandoning their offspring. The mother wouldn’t accept her calf and thus led to the calf’s unfortunate demise.

By no means should we force animals into a selfie or drag them from their environment just to satisfy ourselves. It’s a form of cruelty that should be reprimanded or at least handled in some fashion. People’s foolishness are killing innocent animals that are just trying to survive in this world.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, critique, share, and subscribe.

So tell me, do you have any faith in humanity and why?

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