Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tower of Terror to Take a Possible Final Plunge

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Rumors have been buzzing of Disney replacing the Tower of Terror with a "Guardians of the Galaxy" overlay. This change would happen in Disneyland California Adventure and Walt Disney World and so far, the Internet is raging like Rocket Raccoon.

The Tower of Terror is an important icon of Hollywood Studios, complete with an immersive dark ride experience. Even the ride’s plot is something that has called out to riders time and time again – of how an unfortunately grave incident many years ago could resurface within an elevator and transport you to the Twilight Zone.

The Guardians of the Galaxy overlay would completely wash out The Twilight Zone memorabilia, haunting music, and unforgettable interior. In its place we would receive a plot revolving around the Collector and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Parks Chairman Bob Chapek, originally thought about this overlay. He was shocked by the fact that despite Disney owning Marvel there are no Marvel rides. Instead, only character meet and greets exist. As much as the meet and greets are cool (seriously, who doesn’t want to get their picture taken with Captain America? #TeamCap), tourists want something more. They want rides featuring Thor and Loki fighting enemies or shoot em up adventures with Black Widow and Hawkeye. They want something more than a photo opportunity. While I do understand and agree with his reasoning, I strongly am against the notion of giving the Tower of Terror a Guardians of the Galaxy overlay.

The Tower of Terror holds many memories for people; for me, it’s a remembrance of embracing something I love dearly (The Twilight Zone), going on my first drop ride, and overcoming the fear I felt for the ride when I was a child. I adore The Twilight Zone because of its strangeness, unique storytelling, in depth plot in such a short televised time, and mild cheesiness. It’s something I grew up with and something I still turn to for entertainment and inspiration.

I’m all for a Marvel ride, but they should eliminate something menial as opposed to something iconic. Or even install a new area solely made for Marvel attractions. They still have enough land to base new attractions. They’re even building a Star Wars section which is still only a fraction of the space they have. They could easily craft a Marvel area and install new rides without removing anything from Hollywood Studios, including Tower of Terror.

However, we must bear in mind that this (for now) is just a rumor. Sometimes rumors come true, while others fall by the way side. For those of us who want to drop into the Twilight Zone, let’s hope the tower still stands without the overlay.

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So tell me, what are your thoughts regarding this rumor?

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