Monday, September 12, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon: Coro Coro News

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

I swear one of these days this blog is going to turn into a Pokemon blog. Regardless, we have new information regarding Pokemon Sun and Moon. We are now starting to see the game’s effects of what appears in Sun vs Moon based on today’s Coro Coro leak. Coro Coro is a certified magazine that often preaches Pokemon news.

Pokemon Sun features:

       -An UB-02: Expansion encounter with Tapku Koko. This Ultra Beast looks like no one we have seen thus far. It’s named ‘Expansion’ for the expanding weapon it uses in combat and is exclusive to Sun 

       -The evolution of Rockruff: Lugarugan. Lugarugan’s Sun form only appears in this version

       -The trainer faces off with Gumshoos, a Totem Pokemon.

Pokemon Moon features:

       -An UB-02: Beauty encounter. This Ultra Beast looks incredibly like Lusamine even down to her pose. Is anyone seeing a pattern here?

       -Lugarugan’s Midnight form which appears only in this version. It looks more like a werewolf which does reflect upon the Chinese hack months ago that foretold of a ‘werewolf Pokemon’. Whoever the hacker was received correct information. Now here’s hoping we obtain those amazing possible final evolutions of the starters

       -The trainer fights Alolan Raticate, a Totem Pokemon.

We’ve also learned that UB-01’s name will have a deeper meaning and that in the next issue, Type: Null’s power will fully be revealed.

In more relation to Pokemon news, Pokemon Go’s Pokemon Go Plus will finally be available at $35 on September 16th, 2016. This device will help you catch Pokemon and collect items without having to look at your phone. Pokemon Go will come to the Apple Watch later this year. On the Apple Watch you can receive notifications about Pokemon, but you will have to catch said Pokemon on the IPhone.

Pokemon Go may also be intertwined with Pokemon Sun and Moon based on a picture Coro Coro revealed.

From what the picture exposes, we may be able to catch Alolan forms of Pokemon in  Pokemon Go. While this would eventually be a nifty feature, I personally would love to see us establish the other generations before encountering this new breed of Pokemon.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, critique, share, and subscribe.

So tell me, what do you think the Ultra Beasts are?

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