Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mind Your Manners

Greetings everyone, tonight I present to you a question that has probably passed through your minds before:

Have people forgotten their manners?

I’m sure most of you were taught manners such as waiting your turn, saying please and thank you, not being a jerk, and many others.  Every day I see people disregarding these manners and adding to the rudeness of our society. I notice this everywhere in places like casinos, arcades, malls, supermarkets, and many others. While I know I occasionally slip up on my manners, I still stick to them because it’s how I was raised. Manners are a polite way of showing people that you’re a respectful person.

But as I venture from place to place, I see manners are quickly being cast aside. People are forgetting everything they were brought up with. Others simply just don’t care, which effects how strangers view them. Some people may not care what people think of them, but I kind of do. I like to leave a good impression on people because I’m an overall nice person.

Based on what I have seen, I've compiled a list of the top five manners that I believe need to be reinforced in today’s society.

     1)      The Golden Rule – do unto others as they would do to you or in simpler terms: treat others as you would like to be treated. Treat people with kindness, respect, and fairness.They are your fellow man (and woman) after all. However, if they treat you like the scum of the Earth, then feel free to take part in a few options:  (A) Be a bigger person and ignore it (B) Allow karma to destroy them (C) Treat them like dirt as well. Personally, I always use choices A and B whenever I am presented with that type of situation. That way, no fights or attitudes emerge by choosing option C.

      2)      Knocking – this is important especially when using the bathroom. As opposed to knocking, people have proceeded to tear open the door like a kid ripping off a candy wrapper. They don’t ask who’s in there or do anything of the sort. They just barge in with the only explanation of: I need to relieve myself in this public oval office. Sometimes when they see someone inside the bathroom they don’t even apologize. They just briefly look at the person’s junk and leave, expecting them to close the door while they use the throne. Not only is it creepy and strange, it’s just overall rude.

      3)      Waiting your turn – I understand that we live in a ‘gotta have it right now’ society. We have been molded by technology that hands us everything in the blink of an eye. Therefore, we take on this quality and expect everyone to be robots that get the job done in a flash. This is not the case because we are not robots, we are humans. We can only perform so many tasks before asking someone to kindly wait a few moments. Sometimes when we ask for just a few seconds to spare, we are met with kind understanding or attitude. More kind understanding, less attitude please. We’re just being polite and doing things the proper way.

      4)      Putting  the phone down – this is the one thing that grinds my gears, so to speak. When you are trying to aid someone or communicate with them and they focus on their phone conversation. Instead of putting the person on the other line on hold for a few moments, they attempt to multi-task. While multi-tasking is praised in society, in this situation it is not. It is considered impolite and needs to be stopped.

      5)      Never assume – when we assume, we immediately draw conclusions which could be false. We do not know a person’s history or if someone did something that needed to be done.  Because of our little to no knowledge of that specific person, we cannot judge them and allow possibly distorted assumptions to fill our heads. When those assumptions arise, we are misjudging them and by doing so, we are assuming they are something that they really aren’t. They could be a fantastic person who happens to love rainbow colored kittens or adores chocolate filled marshmallows. If you are uncertain if someone completed a task, there is no harm in asking. Feel free to question them; they will only give you a yes or no response. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

When You Wish Upon a Star

“To all who come to this happy place, welcome!” – Walt Disney at the opening of Disneyland Anaheim, California

Greetings everyone, it’s Disney Magic Monday! Every Monday on this blog, I will be posting knowledge that may be beneficial to those travelling to Walt Disney World this summer. For those of you that don’t know, Walt Disney World is a wonderful magical place where elephants fly, princesses rule with pirates, and your wallet meets its maker. There are five Disney World/Land parks throughout the world. Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the original Disneyland in Anaheim, California, EuroDisney in Paris, France, Hong Kong Disneyland in Hong Kong, China and Tokyo Disneyland in Tokyo, Japan.

Out of all the Disneylands out there, the most famous and popular one is Walt Disney World. This is the one I have traveled to thirteen times and have gained a great deal of experience from. Throughout the summer, I will at least have a Disney post every Monday, just before my normal Friday posts.

Today I will be giving you some general helpful tips for Walt Disney World.

    1)      ALWAYS get reservations for Character dining – Character dining is where you get to have breakfast, lunch, tea party, or dinner with some of your favorite Disney characters. These type of restaurants are scattered throughout the parks, luxury resorts (such as the Contemporary, Grand Floridian, and the Polynesian), and campground resorts. Most of these experiences are expensive so be prepared to bury your wallet. However, some are reasonably priced, depending on what one you go to.
That will be $80 for your daughter's smile, a chance to meet Chip and Dale, and some pretty decent food.
Character dining is also a once in a lifetime experience that parents want their children to have. Because of this, expect crowds. If you know you’re going to go to a specific character dining location during your stay, make reservations the day you arrive at your resort or the day before you go. Your hotel should have numbers for the restaurants or you can easily find them in Disney travel books and the Internet.

     2)  Fastpass it up – Fastpasses are your best friend. All you have to do is approach a Fastpass machine near a ride you want to go on, insert your park ticket, and out comes a Fastpass. The Fastpass will tell you when to return. When you do come back, you’ll be ushered into the Fastpass line that takes you to a shorter line. In the near future, I will be highlighting which rides you should DEFINITELY get a Fastpass for.

      3)  Pace yourself – Regardless of how long you’re staying at Walt Disney World, always take your time. In my thirteen years of Disney, I've learned that it’s best to stop and smell the roses. Other than the attractions, parades, and restaurants, Disney’s specialty is making memories. So why not slow down and make some? Go on an adventure, you’ll eventually see something new that you hadn't before!

For example, during one of my times at Walt Disney World I was rushing to get on Expedition Everest because I knew the line would be crowded. I had forgotten to get a Fastpass for it and was suffering the consequences. At one point I stopped and realized that regardless of when I got to Expedition Everest, the line would still be long.  There was no point in running across the theme park just to get to it. So I figured I might as well slow down, enjoy where I was, and relax. In doing so, I stumbled upon one of Animal Kingdom’s hidden secrets.

Isn't she beautiful? Apparently she’s The Living Tree of the Animal Kingdom. She camouflages with the green scenery. When she moves, she's slow and graceful like an unfurling flower. I watched her for a while before returning to my mission.

      4)      NO CRAMMING – No matter how long you stay at Disney, you’re not going to cram everything in your one visit. But that’s the brilliance of Disney. They have created so much for you to do that they know you won’t be able to fit it all in one stay. You have to come back and continue to experience the magic. Everything that you see and do might be a bit overwhelming, but no sooner you’re having fun it’ll easily fade away. See what you can do and most of the time, the magic will find its way to you.

   5)      Planning is also your friend – When it comes to any trip, planning is the key. As for Walt Disney World, you must prepare yourself for what lies ahead. The months of July, October, and December are the most crowded. July for the extremely hot summer and no school, October for the warm Halloween, and December for the mild Christmas/New Year’s. Walt Disney World will also be pretty packed when Spring Break rolls around. These are the times when hotels will be more expensive. Try to schedule your trip during the other months. Not only will you save money to go to the park with but you’ll still be experiencing the beautiful Floridian weather.

      Well that covers this week’s Disney Magic Monday. If you want me to offer any advice on the other Disney Parks, feel free to leave a comment. While I have not been to any other Disney Parks, I know a great deal about them. Next week I’ll be covering what rides you should DEFINITELY get Fastpasses for. Until then, have faith in your dreams. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

And So It Begins.

In a world where money can’t buy love and kittens have dominated the Internet, there is an aspiring writer who questions life’s randomness while attempting to hold onto logic. As for the sanity, well, that’s been lost. But who needs it anyway?

Greetings everyone, my name is Vannilla Fudge.

As you can see in my brief bio, it says that I’m a wannabe mermaid.

For those who don’t know what a mermaid is, it’s a half human half fish hybrid of beauty.  Most of you are probably familiar with these fantastic creatures from movies like The Little Mermaid, Splash, Aquamarine, and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. There are also different types of mermaids portrayed in myths based on various cultures. For example, a mermaid in Japan is called a ningyo and is depicted as a half fish, half human.  Their tears can transform into pearls which have a high, magical value and their blood can be used to cure every sickness.

To the left, your typical mermaid. To the right, what they consider a normal mermaid.

Another type of mermaid, the melusine, was often found in medieval bestiaries. It was always depicted as a twin tailed mermaid; sound familiar?

Starbucks: The coffee of lords and ladies who aren't afraid to tax their peasants to purchase it!

That’s right. Starbucks was around during the times of knights, dragons, and princesses.

My love of these mythological sea creatures started when I was a child. The mere idea of being able to see a completely new and different world beneath the waves fascinated me. Even more so, viewing that world without having to worry about running out of air meant I could explore it as long as I liked. I always wanted to see what it was like to endlessly adventure under the bodies of water and see a world I was not familiar with. However, there are other reasons as to why I’d love to be a normal mermaid. Here are my top five reasons:

    1)      You get to travel – as a mermaid you have the proper bodily functions to breathe underwater for extended periods of time, swim gracefully, and look fantastic doing it all. Now remember that all our worldly oceans are connected. Our seas are also joined to the oceans but are smaller in comparison. Each bear a different name and are different from the rest based on their creatures, depths, reefs, and many other qualities. For example, the Caribbean Sea possesses an amazing sight for divers, tourists, and others: The Cancun Underwater Museum.

Oh God, the weeping angels are everywhere!

In November 2009, construction was started on this project with the goal of promoting coral reef growth, the development of marine life, and conservation. By using neutral clay to sculpt over four hundred pieces of art, Jason deCaires Taylor was not only able to achieve his goals but feature some amazing sculpture skills as well. The Cancun Underwater Museum lies beneath the coasts of Cancun and Isle de Mujeres.  The Mediterranean Sea also shares something like this where the ruins of Cleopatra’s palace will also become an underwater museum. As a mermaid, you don’t need to pay the fee for renting scuba gear, airfare, a hotel room, possibly a rental car, or anything of the sort. You can just swim right into these aquatic museums (and other places) without travel expenses.

   2)      You get to see what land lovers haven’t– there are fathoms beneath the waves that humans have not explored yet. As a mermaid, you get to dive down deep into the undiscovered ocean. You get to see the wonders that have not met human eyes yet. You experience the sudden temperature changes, the nature of the different creatures and their habitats, the undiscovered artifacts of extinct cultures, and so much more.  You’re the first to see something new and amazing and explore it to your heart’s content.

   3)      Sunken ships and buried treasure – the idea encountering an abandoned, antique ship is thrilling. You question how long it was there, what purpose did it serve, how did it sink, when that shark get here? The excitement and curiosity builds greatly as you travel through the parts of the ship and examine each room. Down every corridor and through every cabin, the pieces fall into place. You begin to understand what happened, who was aboard, what type of people they were, and hopefully, escape that shark.  Sometimes, while exploring a ship or even on the ocean floor, you’ll even find buried treasure. While it’s not easy to find, it sure is a glorious surprise when you stumble upon it.  Gold coins, chalices, and gems? Yes, please!

   4)      Killing people with your voice – mermaids were also called sirens that lured sailors to their death by singing. The crewmen and captain would get so distracted by their beautiful voices that they would fail to control their ship and crash it into the nearest rock. This could come in handy if you want to destroy a ship with poachers, kidnappers, or any villain on board. Or you know, if your ex is on it, and you want to get some sweet revenge. Your soulful voice could probably also work on fellow jet skiers, motor boat captains, and many other aquatic crafts. However, I highly doubt it would work on a submarine.

    5)      You get to be a legend – there are speculations that mermaids may or may not exist in the past and/or present. There are even Discovery Channel programs like Mermaids New Evidence 2013 and Mermaids: The Body Found which explore the possible existence of mermaids. There are also people out there who believe that mermaids are real; some even have theories and evidence to support their claim. Others just like to believe. But for those who don’t believe in mermaids, you can tell them to kiss your fins because as a mermaid, you exist! You’re a myth throughout the world and its numerous oceans. When people see you it’s like seeing a celebrity  - exclusive and amazing. The only thing you have to worry about is people attempting to capture you and using you.