Friday, August 30, 2013

Companions to the Doctor

In the spirit of this year’s fiftieth anniversary and the arrival of Peter Capaldi as the twelfth Doctor, I decided to let my imagination run wild with this entry. Every Doctor has one or more companions, but as far as we’re concerned Clara Oswald will continue to be the Doctor’s sidekick. However, there comes a time in every timelord’s regeneration when his partner leaves, goes missing, or dies.

Below is a short list compiled of people that I believe would make an excellent companion (or companions) for the Doctor. These characters are either real or fictional. They are from historical eras, modern times, literature genres, types of movies, and many other forms of entertainment. They are also different races and genders, each with a personality we all know and love.

6) Jack Skellington (Tim Burton’s the Nightmare Before Christmas)
No I’m not saying this because I love Tim Burton. I’m saying this because Jack encompasses the average human being. At some point in his life, just like us, he will grow bored again and long for something new. If the Tardis were to pop up in Halloween Town, chances are he’d probably climb aboard. The Doctor would show Jack worlds he's never dreamed of, beasts he's never imagine, and sights he's never seen.

5)  Elphaba (WICKED)
In the musical she is depicted as an outcast due to her emerald skin. Overtime, she breaks the social norm, and does what she believes is best – rescues those she cares about; just like the Doctor. I feel as though she and the Doctor can connect. After all, the Doctor is the last time lord left (that we know of, aside from Jenny) and she’s the only green girl in her time. If the Doctor were to take her into the Tardis, she would be exposed to other aliens who are different like her. Her feelings of being an outcast would be shattered and her companionship would ease the Doctor’s loneliness.

4)  Emily Dickinson
This famous poet was a recluse in Amherst, Massachusetts during the 1800s. Dying at the tender age of fifty six, she wrote popular poems like A Bird Came Down the Walk and I’m Nobody! Who Are You?.  Her work often reflected a state of want and loneliness, just like the Doctor’s Tardis is a mirrored image of himself.  While she was an introvert most of her life, she actively kept correspondents and spent time with her family; sometimes joining them on outings. If the Doctor offered her a once in a lifetime trip to the stars, she may join him. They would unite as lonely souls to share a couple of expeditions together before returning her to her time.

3) Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter series)
Luna was the eccentric blonde Ravenclaw who was a major part of Dumbeldore’s Army. She also believed in a ton of creatures which may or may not have existed, like the Crumple Horned Snorkack. Given the nickname “Loony Lovegood” due to her personality and non conformist spirit, she was often labeled as an outcast.  Luna and the Doctor would be great partners, using the Tardis to travel through time and space to discover creatures. The Doctor may even help her find beasts that she believes in, in an attempt to discover more places and beasts. They would also bode well as outcasts who aren't afraid to express their true selves by means of friendship, battle, and intellect.

2) Doc Brown (Back to the Future)
The idea of a race across time between the Tardis and the DeLorean radiates excellence. However, I can imagine that the Doc would board the Tardis out of curiosity and to gain scientific, extraterrestrial knowledge. As they roam, they would discuss (or argue about) theories entailing science and time travel. The two doctors would probably also have different ideas of technology in regard to time travel. They would probably fight and teach each other about them. Their adventures would be filled with comedy, resourcefulness, and attempting to avoid doing anything drastic.

1) Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Sir, there appears to be a blue police call box out on the landing. If the Doctor chose Mr.Stark to join him on his otherworldly adventures, it would be definitely be interesting. There would be a collision and fascination of technologies (modern day tech vs. Timelord tech) and every adventure would be filled with wit provided by Tony and humor courtesy of the Doctor. Plus, Tony gets to see if his deep space suit works properly.  Imagine it: The Doctor’s in trouble, his cunning plan is failing, and who shows up to save him? Deep Space Suit Iron Man, with a witty comeback of course.

If you have anyone who you'd like to see be a companion to the Doctor, feel free to comment and tell us why. :D

Monday, August 26, 2013

There's Magic in the Air Tonight

Welcome everyone to the finale of Disney Magic Mondays here at The Magical Mystery Blog.

Magic makes the best moments at Walt Disney World. Magic can happen while walking down Main Street or even just sitting on a bench at Hollywood Studios. It’s spontaneous and random, just like the nightly fireworks. At Disney World you’ll be able to tell when magic hits you because it seems like you've ascended into a world you've dreamed of. It’s a wonderful moment when it happens and when it does, you’ll be awestruck and filled with belief that anything can happen.

In my thirteen years of Disney, I've had some fantastic magical moments. Below are my top ten magical memories that I hope inspire you to visit Walt Disney World in the future.

10) ALL THE DESSERT – before it became Tutto Italia, it was Ristorante Italiano. Located in EPCOT’s Italy Pavilion, my family and I dined there year after year. Our last time there wasn't a pleasant experience and to make up for it, the waiter brought us a tray of all their desserts. All of them. Strawberry shortcake, tiramisu, and tons of others. He didn't have to do that but it brought a little magic to our night and a smile to my face.

9) A Fairy Surprise – remember how I mentioned in one of my previous entries you can wake up Tinkerbell if you arrived at the Magic Kingdom extremely early? Well, on my fourth year of Disney World I did just that. It was our last day and I wanted to go to that specific park because it was (and still is) my all time favorite. That morning the cashier handed me the bell and I rang it as loud as I could, yelling the pixie’s name, and telling her to wake up. In a matter of moments, she flitted before my eyes before fading away into the store.

However, that wasn't the last I’d see of Miss Bell that day. To this day I’m not sure how my mom hid this from me but she is good, I will say that. During our flight home, my mom managed to fall asleep. Reaching for my Nintendo DS in the carry on bag, I felt something squishy. I didn't remember packing anything of that nature and pulled out a Tinkerbell binder. Containing my joy behind a smile, I eagerly opened the purple binder. Inside was a few months’ supply of Tinkerbell themed school gear such as pens, post its, and many other items. No sooner school began, I used as much as I could of the pixie styled items.

8) Fantasmic – I solemnly swear that this is the most epic show I've ever seen at Walt Disney World. Discovering this my third year at Disney World, I was spellbound by the outdoor performance of fire, puppetry, and beauty. This show takes us through the dreams of the famous mouse himself where we are met with the ultimate battle of good vs evil. I would have to say that the part that spellbound me the most was Maleficent in her gloriously dark dragon form, appearing on the rocky stage, and spewing fire onto the surrounding island. Roaring into the night, she sent chills down my spine but made me grin in elation. After seeing this show for the first time, I made it a tradition to always see it whenever I went to Disney World.

7) Beneath the Orange Moon - in my tenth year of Disney, I was transforming into a young adult. High school wouldn't last forever and college would be starting soon. What I wanted to do with my life would have to be determined as soon as possible; I couldn't keep playing Kingdom Hearts forever and somehow turn it into a career. All these thoughts and concerns were getting to me on this particular vacation and I couldn't enjoy it.

One night after walking throughout the Animal Kingdom, I decided I needed some me time. The pool at our All Star resort was filled to the brim with vacationing teenagers and a few adults sneaking in some night swimming. Finding no calm among the noise, I managed to discover an abandoned pool. Palm trees looked down upon this pool as they seemed to hold up the moon on their hunched bark backs. A serene silence invited me to this miniature, almost glowing pool as I climbed in, and proceeded to float.

Staring into the tangerine moon, my thoughts started to meld into one: what will I do with my life? After an hour, my worries seemed to be absorbed by the water. The moon appeared to steal all the questions I had about myself and reminded me of where I was. I was in Walt Disney World for the tenth time. I was in high school with a few years left before college. At that time, I had nothing to worry about other than what park to visit tomorrow. Leaving the pool with boulders off my shoulders, I smiled, knowing I could relax for a few more years.

6) Finding Elwood – for as long as I dined at Disney’s House of Blues, I never noticed Elwood until my twelfth trip. My family and I always made it a point to sit out on the water because of the beautiful scenery, excellent breeze, and wonderful environment. At the start of our eighth year of Disney, we dined there but had to sit inside due to the terrible rain.  

During this time in my life, I had discovered The Blues Brothers which I still consider to be an excellent comedic classic, and by far the greatest combined work of Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi. Behind the bar area of the House of Blues was something I had never noticed before. Something that caused my heart to beat like a hummingbird flapping its wings. Hanging in the middle of the beers and vodkas rested a portrait of Jake and Elwood Blues. Giddy at this discovery, I whipped out my camera and proceeded to take a ton of pictures. Sadly, I had accidentally deleted the photos while cleaning out my camera.

5) She’s a Pirate – seniors tend to do crazy things in high school. Some drink outrageously, others party harder than the average human being, but I decided to become a pirate. On my senior trip to Walt Disney World, there was a miniature pirate show featuring Captain Jack Sparrow, and one of his sea dogs. While the outdoor performance was for children, I decided to be a part of this crowd. When Jack asked who would like to be a pirate, I raised my hand, and proclaimed my love for the dashing swashbuckler. He allowed me to join the group in declaring ourselves pirates and handed me a certificate stating my oath to piracy. Until the day I die, I will be a pirate.


4) Big Thunder Mt. Railroad – whenever my mom goes to a theme park she avoids roller coasters at all cost. During our first visit to Walt Disney World, we stumbled upon Big Thunder Mt. I knew it was a roller coaster, she didn't  So I convinced her it was a gentle train ride through the wilderness. She said it sounded like fun and climbed aboard with me and my dad.
Wildest ride in the West? No, no, it's the Tamest ride in the West.
As we began to ascend the dark tunnel, my mom suddenly realized that this was no tranquil train ride. After the first drop was where the fun began. A sudden rush of wind pushed our visors off to which my mom proceeded to scream like a fan at a QUEEN concert. Thankfully the hats were rescued by my dad who caught them and created a Kodak moment. Sadly, we lacked a Kodak camera. After the ride, I was relieved that she didn't want to strangle me for tricking her onto a roller coaster. However, she got her revenge the following year. 

3) The Haunted Mansion – as a child I hated the Haunted Mansion because I thought it housed cadaverous beasts from nightmares. The second year of Walt Disney World, my mom decided that she wanted to go on it. I’m not sure if it was payback from Big Thunder Mt. or her mere curiosity, but she dragged me through the queue. Throughout the ride I was horrified until we reached the end. When leaving the ride, my mom asked what I thought of the attraction to which I responded, “Let’s go again! Let’s go again!”

To this day she regrets taking me on the Haunted Mansion because I extremely adore it.

2) Halloween – for my sweet sixteen my dad decided to surprise me to a trip to Walt Disney World during Halloween. The weather was as warm as a hug, the season of spirits was in the air, and I was going to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. No sooner I entered our shuttle to the Magic Kingdom, comments about my costume arose like zombies. When we reached the park I became popular in just under a half hour with my outfit of the Haunted Mansion’s Beating Heart Bride (or as the Cast Members call her, Emily Cavanaugh Gracey).
The original bride of Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion. You know, before that Constance appeared...

After walking around the park, I managed to grab a seat for the Halloween parade.  Down Main Street U.S.A., a black mare charged through the night carrying a headless horseman with a flaming pumpkin in his grip. Through the roar of applause and wonder filled eyes, the parade started. Disney villains flooded the street, grooving out to some spirited music. Haunted Mansion ghosts waltzed through the street and in the distance, a skeleton band unleashed some wicked tunes. To top off this remarkable night was a glorious fireworks display which showcased the villains once more in orange and ebony tinted lights.

1) Bert is the Ultimate Sweetheart –Honestly, Bert is the first Disney character I ever remember seeing. As a child, I was convinced he was talking to me during the beginning of Mary Poppins. I’ll admit I had a crush on him when I was young but that faded over the years. Until I went to Walt Disney World that is, where he warmed my heart like hot fudge melting a scoop of ice cream.

The first time I met the chimney sweep was at Hollywood Studios. I was depressed because we were leaving the next day and I didn't want to leave Walt Disney World. It was our first time there and I had fallen in love with Cinderella’s Palace and wanted to live there.
Yeah if you can just move the flat screen to the living room I'd appreciate that....

 As the Disney Stars in Motor Cars Parade passed in front of me, I saw Bert riding his popcorn yellow horse from the movie’s horse race scene. Heavy with sorrow, I blew him a weak kiss which he caught in his hat and blew me one back. My frown was immediately transformed into a smile as I giggled and smiled with joy.

The second time I ran into Bert was on my sweet sixteen, our eleventh year of Disney. It’s rare to catch a glimpse of Mary and Bert strolling around Disney World and for them to show up on my birthday was something special. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for a better present than a hug from the chimney sweep and practically perfect nanny. It was by far one of the best birthdays and Disney experiences I've ever endured. 

This entry concludes my Disney Magic Monday entries here at The Magical Mystery Blog. From Mondays onward, I will be posting more normal things like I do on Fridays. Until then, c ya real soon. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Death of Innocence

Welcome everyone to Friday’s edition of The Magical Mystery Blog.

This past week, we have suffered a tragedy in which three boys shot a visiting baseball player. Their reason for such a horrific massacre was that they were bored. This is not Candid Camera and yes, you've probably heard this on the news by now.

Christopher Lane, a young Australian attending college in Oklahoma was killed by three teenage boys. They randomly selected Lane as their target because he happened to be jogging by their house. They proceeded to stalk him and shoot Lane before driving off.

What surprises me about this murder is that the teenagers decided to kill Lane because they were bored. To be bored is a sin, yet we all commit it. Boredom leads to procrastination which is followed by something to lift our spirits. People usually do something productive or fun to rid themselves of this lazy slump. These activities usually include eating, looking for jobs, going outside, playing video games, exercising, and many others.

However, killing is one of the worse murder and cure-to-boredom I've ever heard.

It sickens me that people value others lives as nothing more than shooting practice. It shows that people have no regard for life whatsoever and have tossed it aside like moldy cheese.  It also makes me question the state of mentality that these people have. It makes me wonder what they were raised with, what they have seen, and how it has affected them overall. The media, life changing experiences, and other events can play a part in ruining a good mentality. So what does it take for people to kill others out of boredom?

Killers who shoot others for fun may have a few loose screws in their skulls. The eldest of the teenagers openly admitted in full detail to the officer that they shot Lane to alleviate their boredom. It’s not only insane and mortifying to kill because of boredom but to give a full description of it is crazier. I say this because imagine your child or the youngest person you know, giving a detailed play by play of a murder they committed. The words of blood, massacre, and weaponry tumbling out of their mouth is terrifying.

Teenagers and children are full of youth and innocence. They are starting out in life and trying to cope with maturity, understand the ways of the world, and comprehend basic concepts. They are unaware of what exists and how to deal with it. When something as sinister as murder is instilled into their brains so much so that they carry it out, it shatters their innocence, and makes them a darker person. It transforms them into a stranger we do not know and begin to question. What made them do this and why? How did they do this? Who are they? Do they understand what they did and what the consequences will be?

The teenagers of this shooting, James Edwards Jr. (15), Chancey Luna (16), and Michael Jones (17)  are being held in separate jail cells and were charged as adults. If they are to be convicted of first degree murder, they will possibly face life in prison. Until then, may Christopher Lee rest in peace, may justice be served, and may others never ever use killing or any horrific act as a logical excuse for easing boredom.

Monday, August 19, 2013

There's Room for a 1000

Welcome everyone to another installment of Disney Magic Mondays, here at The Magical Mystery Blog.

The weeks of summer are winding down and there’s still some Disney wisdom to be given.  This week I will be covering something extremely important to all Walt Disney World vacationers.  When booking a Disney trip, you will notice that Disney World has tons of hotel options to choose from. The lodgings are categorized in to fit what you can afford.  Whether this is your first time or your tenth time, you question what hotel will provide you with the best experience. With so many options, it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing.

In my thirteen years at Disney, I've stayed at different resorts because of my curiosity. I always like to stay at new places if I go to the same place year after year. Below are my best hotels for each category.

Best Luxury Resort

The Contemporary – with tons of rooms to choose from, you’ll be relaxing in a classy, futuristic style.  Just outside the Magic Kingdom, this hotel is ahead of its time with a ultra-modern feel sporting the iconic mouse ears everywhere you go. This was the first hotel I stayed at and it won me over with its sleek interior and unique exterior.

Restaurants – this hotel has a little bit of everything including casual dining, fine dining, character dining, quick service, and grab and go. I've always loved to dine at Chef Mickey’s for breakfast because the first meal of the day should include pancakes, bacon, more bacon, Goofy, and Minnie Mouse. Then at dinner, I loved to dine at the California Grill because nothing says vacation like devouring a steak while watching fireworks from the roof of your hotel.

Transportation – the monorail is always seen darting through this hotel and picking up passengers while shuttles wait for people just outside the entrance. The monorail stops at the other hotels in the Magic Kingdom proximity, the Transportation and Ticket Center, and the Magic Kingdom itself. You can also walk to the Magic Kingdom. 

Something special – at night you can go out onto the pool area (or from your room's window or balcony) and watch the Water Parade. Floating canopies shaped to look like aquatic dragons, Poseidon, seahorses, mermaids, and many others are bejeweled in light. This parade happens every clear night and is a treat for the eyes.  You can also see fireworks over the Magic Kingdom at night from the higher up sections of the hotel, including the California Grill.

Villas – Luxury resorts like the Contemporary, Grand Floridian, Polynesian, Animal Kingdom Lodge, and many others include villas. The villas are the crème of the crop when it comes to rooming but they are expensive ranging from $352 at the Animal Kingdom Resort to $540 at the Grand Floridian. Moderate and Value hotels do not have this option. 

Best Moderate Resort

Port Orleans – staying in the South has never been so wonderful. This is personally my favorite hotel because it gives you two sides to choose from: The French Quarter and the Riverside. Both sides cost the same and are located in the Downtown Disney area.  The Riverside highlights the classic Southern charm while the French Quarter is a regal Mardi Gras.

Restaurants – there are no fine dining or character dining options here. However, there are food courts, lounges, in room dining, and quick service locations aplenty.

Transportation – this hotel has a little dock which you can take a boat to the Downtown Disney section. If you easily get motion sickness or have a phobia of boats, you can also take their buses to any of the parks, and Downtown Disney.

Something Special – not too long ago, some of the rooms at this moderate hotel have received an upgrade to fit royalty. For an extra hundred, the Riverside offers Royal Guest Rooms which are themed to look like a room a Disney princess would relax in. The French Quarter does not have this option because it is already themed to look like a royal Mardi Gras.

Best Value Resort

Pop Century – staying at this hotel is like vacationing in a time capsule because you’re surrounded by pop culture from the 50s and onward. This blast from the past of a resort is rated as one of Disney’s best Value resorts due to the close proximity of the buildings, excellent bus service, great food, and overall layout.

Restaurants – this resort also has no fine dining, signature dining, or character dining. However, it does offer a food court serving up tons of delicious choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. You can also purchase snacks like chips, cereal, and even beer for your room. The Pop Century hotel also presents the option of in room dining where you can order pizza or whatever else your stomach craves.

Transportation – buses offer quick rides to all the parks in Walt Disney World.

Something Special – this resort also ranks as one of the largest accommodations on Disney property. There are five sections to this hotel: 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. All the rooms, walking areas, pools, and even quick service locations are designed to fit their specific era depending on where they’re located.

All of the resorts I have mentioned include an arcade, a laundry room, and other amenities. These hotels are extremely accommodating and have a unique theme to make them stand out from other resorts. Every hotel is distinct from its food courts to its pools and everything in between.

Since next week is the last Monday of August, I will be covering something that I hope will inspire you to take a Disney trip of your own. Until then, just keep swimming. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Beauty - A Deeper Look into Belle

Good morning…evening…afternoon, whenever you read this, and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Once again I apologize for this being such a late post. My planning skills failed me and I worked late on Friday and an early shift today. Because of my work hours, I didn't have enough time to finish this week's entry until later today. But enough of the past, let’s get on to the present shall we?

As my readers know, I love books. If anyone trapped me in the Pandorica or on an island and filled it with books, I’d be content until I felt like escaping.
What? It's opening? Forget that, I'm still on Act II of Hamlet.

While I have read tons of books, it’s always hard for me to select my favorite one. Asking me to decide what my favorite book is, is like trying to choose between puppies or kittens: it’s just not possible.  However, I often find that thousands of book titles emerge in my head, and battle for the title of being my favorite book. Macbeth tries to murder the competition while Shibumi fights with The Coachman Rat. It’s a giant literary mess that my mind goes through every time that question is proposed. Yet through the quarrels one book always seems to emerge unscathed. This surviving book is none other than Robin McKinley’s Beauty

Not only was this McKinley’s first retelling but it was her debut book. Published in 1993, Beauty is a re-imagining of Beauty and the Beast but with some changes. For starters, the story is told by our Belle character, Beauty. However, it doesn't begin with her singing about her hometown or entering the Beast's palace. Instead it starts with her telling the audience about her childhood and growing up to be a scholarly plain Jane. From her narration we also receive details about her family, especially her siblings, Grace and Hope as well as Beauty herself.  

Another change in Beauty is that the readers never receive a fleshed out description of the Beast character. I enjoyed this greatly because it allows the imagination to do some creating. We can personalize this Beast to how we please as the story goes on. The details of the palace and the vague images of the Beast help us to understand what type of person he is.
I don't know about you guys, but the Beast comes off as Jack Skellington to me. Tall, immortal, intelligent. Come on, what Beauty doesn't love that?

Since this was McKinley’s first book, there are a few flaws. One issue is that Grace and Hope sometimes feel like the same person. They are easily interchangeable but become more defined with the challenges they face. The second flaw I find is the ending. While I won’t spoil it for you, I will say that it feels very rushed when compared to the rest of the book. Beauty is drawn out, pinpointing each detail about everything, fleshing out the characters, and creating magnificent imagery. When it comes to the end, it’s only in two to three pages where everything major happens.  I feel as though that the events that happen at the end should have been given the same, slow churned experience.

But what I enjoy the most about Beauty is that it has a lesson that can be taught throughout the years. It teaches readers to accept yourself and be yourself, even when you undergo change. This change could be for the better or the worse but in the end, you will still be you. There can only be one you in this universe; no one else can replicate you because they do not have the same qualities that only you have. You must accept yourself and be yourself to your full extent.

Growing up, Beauty accepts herself as the less attractive member of the family who constantly reads. She is thirsty for knowledge and absorbs it like a sponge takes in water. At the palace, she begins to change, and deny mental aspects of herself she discovers with the aid of the Beast. As she sees more of herself, she still remains the same clever, intelligent, and logical woman.

I give this book five out of five stars because of its lesson, its attention to detail and depth, and its ability to stay true to the original story of Beauty and the Beast while giving it a new light. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite fairy tale and this book does an excellent job of retelling it.  

Friday, August 16, 2013

My Apologies

It is with my great displeasure that I bring some terrible news. Tonight's entry will be postponed until tomorrow night. I usually finish the posts every Friday night when I get home from work. However, tonight I will be returning home at a later time. I have an early shift tomorrow so I won't have time to finish tonight's entry until tomorrow night. Please forgive me for this inconvenience.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Enough I'm Full!

Greetings everyone and welcome to another Disney Magic Monday here at The Magical Mystery Blog.

Wrapping up the best of eateries is the expensive restaurants. People on vacation like to enjoy their time at their destination and indulge in the finer things. They like to go to the fanciest place and live it up to the best of their ability. Walt Disney World houses tons of expensive eateries in their parks. Most of these places accept the Disney Dining Plan and require reservations by Internet or phone. The reservations are usually made between 90 – 180 days prior to time of visitation. As for attire, it’s best to dress to the nines because it shows classiness and elegance. Plus at some places listed here, it's a requirement.

While there are hotels that have expensive restaurants, this week I will be focusing on the parks. Below are fantastic expensive restaurants in Walt Disney World Parks.

First up is the Magic Kingdom.

                1)      Cinderella’s Royal Table – when dining with royalty, prepare your wallet for its royal burial. Located in the heart of Cinderella’s Castle, this is one of the more expensive character dining experiences. In my thirteen years of Disney I always tried to make reservations at this eatery (because who doesn't love breaking bread with princesses) but I found it was always booked.
And all these tables are for the royal help. Every single last one.

The menu here is a mix of chicken, fish, and beef at a high price. Included with your dinner is a character meet and greet with Cinderella herself who poses for pictures and signs autographs before dinner is served. There are various package options for the size of your dining party and even the children get a surprise toy from Cinderella. Throughout your dining experience, other princesses and royal beings float about the room creating memories and smiles wherever they go.

Second is Hollywood Studios.

                2)       The Hollywood Brown Derby – get ready to step into the yesteryear of Hollywood in this classy restaurant. Found on the corner of Hollywood Boulevard, this eatery will make you forget you’re dining in Disney. The menu here also has various choices of meat (including bison), fish, and poultry served with a flare of elegance.
Look at the flare. LOOK AT IT!

However, this restaurant is almost always booked. Like other expensive restaurants at Walt Disney World, it’s best to make your reservations ahead in advance. That way you’ll have a seat at the finest dining location Walt Disney World has to offer. This restaurant is also included in the Fantasmic package. This deal allows you to dine at The Hollywood Brown Derby, Mama Melrose’s Ristorante Italino, or Hollywood & Vine and receive priority seating for Fantasmic. Fantasmic is an outdoor show that during your stay at Walt Disney World, you do NOT (it's emphasized that much because it's just that great of a show) want to miss. This plan is always offered at a fixed price and you must make your reservations up to ninety days in advance. 

Third is EPCOT.

                 3)      Monsier Paul – bonjour, mon amie and welcome to the classiest French restaurant Disney has to boot. Found in the France section of the World Showcase, this is not your average bistro.  Originally called Bistro de Paris, this eatery changed its name in December 2012 as a homage to Monsieur Paul Bocuse; one of the culinary geniuses behind this restaurant. Unfortunately though, this dining place isn't vegetarian friendly because most, if not all dishes, are served with some sort of meat. Needless to say, the food here is as splendid as the City of Lights itself.

           4)      Le Cellier Steakhouse – considered to be one of Disney’s most booked restaurants, Le Cellier is a Canadian restaurant that strives to satisfy your stomach. Found in the Canada Pavilion of the World Showcase, the menu here specializes in meat, chicken, and fish prepared in a Canadian style.

           5)      Akershus Royal Banquet Hall – remember Cinderella’s Royal Table? That’s basically what this is only in the Norway Pavilion of the World Showcase.  This restaurant also includes meets and greets with princesses and one supercalifragilisticexpialidocious lady. You also receive photo packages based on the size of your party but you can also purchase more photos. Just like Cinderella’s Royal Table, your photos will be delivered to you while you dine.

Fourth is Animal Kingdom.

Sadly, I could find no expensive restaurants here. Some of you may protest and claim that The Rainforest Café is one but I included that in my moderately priced restaurants. Animal Kingdom mostly consists of counter service, fast food, and moderately priced restaurants.

Last but not least, Downtown Disney.

               6)   Fulton’s Crab House – be prepared to go on a seafood diet at this grand restaurant. Floating in the harbor of Pleasure Island, this ferry boat houses the best of lobster, shrimp, flounder, and every other creature under the sea.  While the main food here is seafood, Fulton’s Crab House (or boat in this case) has chicken and meat for those who hate the taste of fish on their tongue. A little trivia for those Disney lovers out there, the riverboat used for Fulton’s was originally a gift from Walt Disney to his wife, Lily. Cause nothing says ‘I love you darling’ like an ivory ferry boat.
Somewhere, beyond the sea...she's there...waiting for me....

             7)   Wolfgang Puck Café – food created by the famous chef awaits you at this restaurant. Across from the Virgin Megastore and next to Bongo’s Cuban Café, be prepared to taste some excellent cuisine. Fish, meat, and chicken appear on the menu but there seems to be more seafood served in different forms like sashimi and tartare.

            8)     Portobello Country – ciao mi amici, ready to pay a visit to the Old World? Right next door to Fulton’s Crab House, this Italian restaurant will make you believe you’re eating at a villa in Tuscany.  You can request a table by the water where you can stare up at the glimmering lights of Fulton’s while you dine on classic Italian dishes like pizza, pasta, chicken, and more.

And so we've come to the end of yet another Disney Magic Monday entry. If you enjoy what you’re reading, please give feedback and see you Friday.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

We All Have Scissorhands

Thank God it’s Friday because here’s a new entry of The Magical Mystery Blog.

I’m sure most of you are familiar with the famous movie director, Tim Burton. Mr. Burton has created classic hits like Mars Attacks, Vincent, and Corpse Bride. He has even aided in the production of other movies like James and the Giant Peach and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Growing up, I wasn’t too fond of the strange director and producer until I hit my teenage years Or as everyone remembers these years as, the time when puberty struck and life was a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world.

Needless to say, I was in that same boat of confusion. At the age of thirteen I finally watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and was completely fascinated by this director’s work. I loved his work so much I started to watch other movies created by him, including Edward Scissorhands.

Edward Scissorhands is the story of an Avon saleswoman (Peg Boggs) discovering a leftover, unfinished invention in a deceased inventor’s palace. The invention is none other than Johnny Depp with scissors for hands. Intrigued and concerned by this man made man, Mrs. Boggs invites Edward to stay with her in her cheery little neighborhood.

The rest is a cause and effect story of what happens when you try to introduce something different and new to a town that likes an unchanging routine. How it not only effects the people in that specific location but the lengths they go to, to use this new person to their means. Only then do they reject him for the “wrongs” he has committed, when it was their doing from the start. In the end, they just shrug it off as if nothing ever happened, and return to their daily ritual.

This movie is a treat for anyone who wants to step inside the world of Tim Burton’s early years. As for myself, I've watched this film at every chance I could get because it’s my favorite Burton flick. However, as the years rolled on I began to realize a few things about it.

              1)      It’s easily relate-able to everyone - when I originally viewed this movie, I could easily understand it because I was an outcast much like Edward Scissorhands. I had just transferred from Catholic to public school at that time and despite trying to put my best foot forward, it failed in the end.

At first I didn't realize it, but as I grew older I began to see that everyone could relate to this movie. You may find that notion insane because when people think ‘Tim Burton movies’ they immediately imagine the gothic and/or emo kids who blast Slayer and wear spikes on every single article of clothing they own.

With Edward Scissorhands I find that people can relate to this film because at some point in our lives, everyone is Edward Scissorhands. You’re the new kid changing (or starting) school and know no one, you’re the new person in the office and don’t know how things are. You're strange to the new town, school, or workplace because you're new and different. Some kindhearted people will take you in, show you around, and make sure you're all right. However, there are those out there who will use you to their benefit. It happens to everyone in life, just as it did in Edward Scissorhands.

Even Burton himself has said that he was Edward Scissorhands. In fact, he had created Edward long before the movie was even made.

             2)      The inspiration – in the time that Mr.Burton made this film, he was an unknown producer and director who was still making a mark in the world. He wanted to show Hollywood a new lease on life through his style, stories, and ideas. As a teenager he often drew various things and Edward was one of themEdward was drawn as a representation of himself growing up and even the film was a symbolization of Burton's time growing up. This movie was an outward expression of Burton’s means of finding himself in the world as the outcast he was.

              3)      The meaning of the end – SPOILER ALERT.






When I viewed this movie, I honestly did not expect to bawl at the end. But I understood why I cried and called Kim Boggs (Winona Ryder’s character) a bitch.
Get your hands off my man, woman!
It was because she tarnished my hopes for a happy ending for this movie by leaving Edward  alone in the inventor's palace. I was rooting for the underdog in this film so that their romance could blossom and face the challenges of having a partner with scissorhands. It would be something different as opposed to your standard boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.

I was hoping for them to be together forever because it would bridge the gap between the strange and the normal. I believed that if that chasm could never be filled in life, then at least let me have it from a movie I enjoy. This was not the case but then again, I’m rather glad Burton did not give his audience a joyful reprise.

What he gave the audience was life. There will always be the outcasts in life that no one wants to bond with because they interrupt the daily routine. But in the world there are those like Kim, Peg, and the rest of their family who embrace those who are different from them. When Kim sacrificed her future with Edward, she broke the possible idea of bridging the gap between the different and the routine. She could have stayed with Edward and explained what had happened to the crowd but they would have assumed that Edward started it and would have still considered him a villain. Kim knew he was never an enemy to the neighborhood although they believed otherwise. 

Well that about wraps up this week's blog entry. For my readers, I ask you a question: what did you think about the ending to Edward Scissorhands? Would you have preferred
 a happy ending, why? Or did you like it the way it was and why?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Diggin a Little Deeper into Disney

Welcome to another Disney Magic Monday entry at the Magical Mystery Blog.

While I mentioned I would be restaurant recommendations throughout the remainder of the summer, I decided to take a break from that this week. Rest assured, I will continue the final entry of the most expensive eateries at Walt Disney World. This week, I wanted to address a few things that will definitely bring out the magic in Walt Disney World.

As most of you know, Walt Disney World is the home of pixie dust, one man’s dream, and magic. Within this theme park are legends and secrets abound, most of which people may not know. Today I will be revealing some of Walt Disney World’s myths to you.

          1)        Hidden Mickeys. Hidden Mickeys Everywhere – the Mickey Mouse logo is an iconic image of Walt Disney World; after all, it started with a mouse. This little logo is scattered throughout the parks and rides, most of which you may or may not seen because they’re in plain sight or hidden well. An obvious hidden Mickey is in the Haunted Mansion ride. When passing above the Ballroom section, look down at the center to far left part of the table. Notice something special about those plates?
There's always room for one more....any volunteers? 
A second Hidden Mickey is cleverly hidden in the Italy Pavilion of EPCOT. As soon as you enter this specific section, you are greeted with a statue of Poseidon (also known as Neptune) the God of the Seas. Just behind his sculpted frame is a hidden Mickey amongst the rock. Next time you go, try to find as many Hidden Mickeys as you can! 

          2)      Wake Up Tink! – Tinkerbell is the feisty little pixie from Disney’s classic animated film, Peter Pan. She distributes pixie dust to help Peter, Wendy, Michael, and John fly to Neverland. Over the years she has gained popularity throughout the parks and public. She mostly resides in the Magic Kingdom in the shop, Tinkerbell’s Treasures, located in the Fantasyland section.  Every morning, the first person to enter this shop has the special opportunity to wake her up.

The person is given a gold bell and is instructed to yell 'wake up Tinkerbell' as loud as they can until the fairy arises. In a matter of minutes, Tinkerbell will flit her way around the store, and appear in a little green window behind the register. It’s a magical moment that will light up your eyes and make you believe in fairies.

          3)      A Home in the Future – when Walt designed his masterpiece theme park, he often envisioned the future as something exciting and grand. He imagined that people would be flying around in electric cars and living in harmony with fellow robots. While working on Walt Disney World, he had an epiphany: what if people could live at his park? In a matter of months, EPCOT (or as Walt called it the Environmental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow) was constructed with the intention of people living there. It would be a model community complete with schools, monorail transportation, and other necessities. It would hold at least 20,000 residents. However, instead of a living area, it is now a theme park.

When Walt showed his idea of EPCOT to audiences everywhere on TV  he used a model. This same model can be found in the Tomorrowland Transit Authority ride. 

         4)      Maharajah Jungle Trek - If you happen to be roaming around this attraction, you will stumble upon the bird sanctuary. This area houses tons of exotic and beautiful birds from foreign countries. If you happen to be casually looking, a cast member will come up and ask if they could show you around. Say yes to this chance. They will give you a private tour of the birds in their habitat and inform you about everything there is to know about them. This happened to me during my senior trip to Walt Disney World. It was something unexpected, excellent, and of course, magical.

          5)      Tributes in the Tower – looming over Hollywood Studios is the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. Glaring down at those who walk the streets, it dares strangers to pass through its doors, and enter the Twilight Zone. As you board this ride and throughout the ride, there are many references to old Twilight Zone episodes. The first one is the shattered glasses in the lobby; this is a nod to the episode, “The Last Man on Earth” who wore glasses and dropped his glasses no sooner he found the treasure trove of books.
Damnit and I just found the first issue of Playboy!

The second tribute is in the elevator itself. There is a inspection certificate signed by someone named Cawallader, a character from the episode “Escape Clause.”  Another reference is on that same certificate with the number 10259. 10259 translates to the date of when the first Twilight Zone episode premiered on October 2nd, 1959. Next time you board this cursed elevator, try to point out as many references as you can.

      This concludes this week’s entry of Disney Magic Monday. Next week I will continue with the most expensive restaurants at Walt Disney World. Once again if there’s anything about Walt Disney World, feel free to comment and as always feedback and followers are welcome. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just a Mad Man With a Box

Greetings everyone and welcome to this week’s entry of The Magical Mystery Blog.

This weekend is a weekend that has geeks, nerds, sci fi lovers, and many others buzzing like wasps.  On Sunday August 4th, 2013 we will find out who will play the twelfth Doctor in the Doctor Who series. For those of you who are unaware to this fantastic series – what is wrong with you? Seriously, go watch it you will not regret it.

It’s basically about an alien traveling in a time machine to various eras, worlds, and even alternate dimensions. This series originated in the United Kingdom but eventually gained more popularity with every episode. It was also aired in the Americas along with other nations. It is considered one of the longest running science fiction series and originally started in the 60s with William Hartnell as the first Doctor.

So far in the series there have been eleven Doctors with the new one regenerating onto our television screens on Christmas Day 2013. Below are the top twelve reasons why everyone should be excited for this new Doctor.

           1)      New Doctor – we have a new Doctor! New Doctors are always fun because it’s like meeting a new friend. They have their quirks, their easily identifiable appearance, and special qualities that make them who they are. Every Doctor has their unique look based on their clothes and overall facial and body features. For example, the tenth Doctor has a pompadour haircut while the fifth Doctor wears a celery stick on his jacket lapel. Sometimes a piece of clothing will become a constant joke or trademark of the character throughout the series. The tenth Doctor insisted his jacket was given to him by Janis Joplin while the eleventh Doctor has claimed that bow ties are cool.

The new Doctor will have a specific outfit he wears along with a distinctive look.

           2)      New sonic screwdriver – with almost every new Doctor there is a new sonic screwdriver. The sonic screwdriver is the Doctor’s tool he uses to analyze life forms, examine materials, repair things, and many other actions. However, it cannot interact with wood. Each sonic screwdriver is unique in appearance, just like the Doctor. The tenth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver is silver, sleek, and has a blue tip. The eleventh Doctor’s sonic screwdriver is a copper shade with a green glow and is a bit bulky.  The new Doctor’s sonic screwdriver could be something we have not seen yet.

           3)      New food –as mentioned each Doctor is unique. This includes their appearance, voice, personality, and even food. Each Doctor has a certain food that they enjoy devouring. The fourth Doctor’s favorite food was Jelly Babies (think gummy bears), the tenth Doctor’s favorite food was cookies, and the eleventh Doctor’s favorite food is fish fingers and custard. Obviously the food can be something ordinary like cookies or something strange like fish fingers and custard. This new Doctor’s favorite food could be a common snack or a meal we’d never think of like bacon wrapped Twinkies. ….what? It could happen.
Behold the artery clogging goodness....

The food also becomes a part of a running joke throughout the Doctor’s time in which, if the moment is right, they will bring up the food, or even be seen eating it at one time or another.

          4)      Possible gender change – the Doctor has many regenerations, all of which have been male thus far. However, it is possible for him to transform into a woman, but it has never happened. The closest thing we have seen to a female Doctor is the Doctor Donna from the tenth Doctor’s special End of the Universe. With every regeneration, the Doctor takes on new strands of DNA shaping the gender, hair, body, and even skin color. While we’re on skin color….

         5)      Possible skin color change – a while ago various web sites posted lists of actors they would like to see become the next Doctor. Among the selected performers were a few with different skin tones. Up until now all of the Doctors have been Caucasian males. It is extremely possible for the next Doctor to be tan, dark skinned, or another shade due to the regeneration process.

         6)      He could finally be ginger – there is an ongoing joke throughout the Doctor Who universe in which the Doctor has always wanted to be ginger. Ginger is another term for red head but so far, the Doctor has not achieved those glorious locks of crimson hair.  Maybe this new Doctor will finally be a red head. Again, the closest thing we have had to a ginger haired Doctor is Doctor Donna from the episode, End of the Universe.

         7)      New companion – every Doctor has one or more companions. At times throughout the series, the Doctor will even go on adventures by himself or be separated from his companion. The eleventh Doctor had Amy and Rory, a young couple before they met their tragic end. This Doctor also had River Song, a sexy professor who loved the Doctor dearly. Sometimes the companions turn into love interests, like Rose Tyler with the 10.5 Doctor (a clone of the original tenth Doctor who was part human/part alien). With the new Doctor, he (or she) could receive a new companion or stick with the current companion, Clara Oswald until her time runs up.

          8)      New villains – each episode of Doctor Who involves the Doctor running into some sort of villain. Some of the enemies are always returning like the Cybermen, Daleks, and Weeping Angels. Others are new to each Doctor like the Silence to the eleventh Doctor and the Vashta Nerada to the tenth Doctor. The ideas for foes are endless, especially when it comes to Doctor Who. It’s amazing to see what the creators invent for the Doctor to fight. Who knows what evil doers the new Doctor will encounter?

          9)      New Tardis interior – sometimes when a Doctor regenerates they also receive a new Tardis theme. The Tardis (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space (also known as Sexy)) is the time travelling machine that the Doctor roams around in. Over the years, it has been given tons of makeovers. The current look is lonely and cold with the Doctor's companions' names written in his native alien writing.

With the new Doctor inhabiting the Tardis, he (or she) may receive a new Tardis interior changing the somber tones of silver and grey into something brighter or darker.

          10)   The return of old friends – overtime the Doctor has made many friends like Captain Jack Harkness, the Brigadier, the Face of Boe, and many others. These friends would pop in for an episode or two, solve a problem with the Doctor (or were a victim of a crisis that only the Doctor could rescue them from), and leave just as they came.  Since the tenth Doctor, we have not seen Captain Jack Harkness or the Face of Boe appear in any of the episodes. Maybe with the new Doctor we would see some old friends come back for a few episodes with the Doctor.

           11)   New introduction – as a way of regenerating, the producers give the Doctor a new television introduction. The classic theme music is kept but the title sequence is different. The ninth and tenth Doctors' openings were kept the same but the eleventh Doctor’s sequence was changed at least once or twice throughout his time. When the new Doctor comes to life, he (or she) may receive a different opening.

           12)   The End of Doctor Who – the Doctor is only allowed twelve regenerations in which he starts off appearing elderly and slowly descends into youth. While he looks young, he is actually quite old; over 1000 years plus to be exact. However, I remember hearing that twelve is the base number of regenerations for the Doctor but he can keep regenerating many more times afterwards. However, it is a matter of what the writers will do. If they choose to stick to the original limit of twelve regenerations then the entire series will end. But if they decide to go beyond the twelve regenerations, they can continue the series, and the stories of the Doctor.  
       As mentioned before, on August 4th on BBC America at 2 pm (Eastern Time) fans across the nation will see the new actor who will play the twelfth Doctor. It will be a half hour to hour program featuring the performer along with some other surprises. For Britain, the reveal will be featured on BBC One at 7 pm (GMT). Until then, Geronimo.