Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Be Gone!

For those of you who survived Black Friday and many others who chose not to venture out into the chaos, welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Black Friday is a yearly tradition where people camp outside stores just to trample others to get that perfect Christmas gift at a seemingly lower price. Over the years, I only marched out into the hostile crowds twice. During those times, I would often hear myths about Black Friday where people would murder each other or break down doors just to get what they need. Well today the myth has become reality. In Long Island, New York a Walmart worker was trampled to death. Apparently, the crowd burst through the doors, and stampeded the associate into the ground. Along with his demise, a pregnant woman was taken in for observation and a few other shoppers were treated for minor injuries. What’s even more terrifying than these tragic instances is the fact that there’s a Black Friday death count website, calculating all of those who have died just because people wanted to save on a Tickle Me Elmo.  

While Black Friday often falls on a Friday, it was pushed back this year to Thanksgiving. Other stores like Walmart pushed their Black Friday prices back to this previous Sunday so that people could attempt to avoid the madness. This was done to give the masses a time to shop before preparing for the biggest day of this week: Thanksgiving. However, most stores opened their doors on Thanksgiving at various times. Some welcomed the chaotic crowd in at midnight, others were up and running all day, and other stores invited everyone in at 6 pm; the perfect time when everyone would sit down to eat.  But for states like Massachusetts, they have created the Blue Laws which entail that Black Friday will begin on Friday, and not a day sooner.

These Blue Laws have also appeared in Rhode Island and were created with the intent of families celebrating Thanksgiving and not crowding at the doors of many stores.  It’s a great event for these specific rules to be formed and enforced upon society because it reminds them to do the following things:

1. Chill Out

Christmas will be here and gone but there’s still time to get all your holiday shopping done. If all else fails, then cyber shop. You will save money, gas, and time. Plus if you order as soon as possible, your stuff will arrive just in time for Christmas, and it’ll look like Santa delivered them to your house.

2. Thanksgiving

That holiday that comes before Christmas where you eat with friends and family. It’s also a time of reminiscing about that Black Friday when you didn't kill your neighbor for that Hot Wheels set your son or daughter wanted. Also, don’t forget the mountain of food. The tantalizing turkey, the crantastic cranberry sauce, the sublime sweet potatoes; they’re all waiting for you. Do not deny them by shopping and trampling others. Devour them.

3. It’s Not About Gifts

In this material infested world we often forget that sometimes money and gifts aren't everything.  Presents don’t always make Christmas but rather, the time you spend with people makes Christmas much more magical. Last year I didn't get that many presents but I was content with them. What made that Christmas special though was busting out the Wii and playing Pictionary for hours on end after a wonderful dinner with a great group of people.

Maybe those who were injured and killed in Long Island’s Walmart would still be with us today if they remembered these things. But now is the start of the holiday season where everyone must keep in mind that gifts aren't everything and relaxing is needed to ease the lunacy of society.

What was your worst Black Friday moment? Feel free to comment below and as always, feedback and followers are welcomed. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

It's the Most Thankful Time of the Year

Greetings everyone and welcome to a freezing Thanksgiving week here at The Magical Mystery Blog.

During this time of the year, everyone is thankful for something. Whether it’s as large as a life changing event or as small as an ipod, everyone is grateful for something(s) on Thanksgiving. In some families, people go around the table, claiming what they are thankful for and why. As for me, I’m sharing what I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving because I’ll be too busy devouring turkey, biscuits, and other Thanksgiving delicacies.


Below are the top three things I’m most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

3) My Job

Being a casino worker has its ups and downs, but there's a good advantage to my job. Without my job, I would probably be stuck in the throes of poverty. It’s not my dream job but it’s something I have while I’m searching for something in my field. Plus, without this job I wouldn't have managed to complete two of the items on my bucket list: meet Dan Aykroyd and get a crystal skull.

2) Life

I am a person who loves a good challenge because I like to see how it affects me and what it can do for me. What better challenge is there, than the challenge of life? Life is an ultimate challenge of survival, struggle, adaptation, and discovery. It’s a game that can only be beaten if you live it to its full extent by surviving, struggling to find victory, adapting to yourself as you change with time, society, and your environment, and discovering who you are, what you’re supposed to do in life, and all the wonders the world has to offer.

1) The Small Things

I've always been told through movies and others that the best way to appreciate life is through the small things. The small things are the ladybug on the flower, the view of the sunlight touching the water, the last cookie in the jar, and tons of other things that make up the big picture of life. It’s the small things that make me smile, especially when the challenge of life is just too rough. Sometimes even the darkest moments can be eliminated with a nice walk on the beach or a little piece of candy. I never abandon the small things but rather embrace them, so that I can understand life better, and appreciate it just a little more.

What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving? Feel free to leave your comments below and as always, feedback and followers are welcomed. May everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving and don’t forget to eat everything on the table. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Birthday to Who

Greetings everyone and welcome to a Whovian Friday at The Magical Mystery Blog.

Tomorrow is the day we’ve been waiting for. It is a day to make jammy dodgers, don a fez, and clutch our sonic screwdrivers. It is a day we have been waiting for over a year, when we last saw the 11th Doctor carrying an unconscious Clara as he faced an unknown Doctor. These past days, weeks, and months have given us sneak peeks to what’s in store for tomorrow. We’ve witnessed the return of the 10th Doctor, the revival of the Bad Wolf, and the mystery that is the John Hurt War Doctor. At 7:50 pm on BBC One tomorrow night, we will see everything come to fruition.

Below are some final spoilers that have been leaked before the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special is aired.


The Return of Tom Baker

It was just revealed on November 19th, 2013 that Tom Baker, the fourth Doctor, will be appearing in the 50th Anniversary Special. This makes sense to me because of the fourth Doctor being involved with the Sisterhood of Karn and the twelve limit regeneration rule. Apparently Tom Baker knew all this time he would be a part of the special but was sworn to BBC and Moffat not to tell. Ah the power of Moffat, the strength to kill those we love, and to make the most memorable people swear to secrecy.

The Fall of Arcadia

On November 20th, the Internet was treated to this video clip. Arcadia was a university on Gallifrey specializing in training people to defend the planet. This video shows us what a soldier in training saw the day Daleks invaded Gallifrey. It also presented the training method of Gallifreyans, focusing around a helmet that supposedly causes hallucinations for the wearers. They are instructed to look past the hallucinations and focus on what they need to do. Apparently, Arcadia is the safest place on Gallifrey and has been referenced before in the episode "Doomsday" where the 10th Doctor tells his enemy of his survival. He claims to have fought on the front lines and witnessed the fall of Arcadia. 

Pre Show

America will be able to view the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special on BBC America at 7:50 pm. What happens before in those fifty minutes is something rather astounding. At 7 pm, there will be a pre show featuring various Youtube Channels such as Doctor Puppet, the Nerdist, and tons of others. It will be the first ever simulcast from Youtube Space LA. The pre show will be live and hosted by Veronica Belmot, the co host of the sci fi website The Sword and the Laser. For other counties, they will be treated to the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special at 2:50 with the pre show at 2 pm.

And so fellow readers, we wish the greatest science fiction series a Happy Birthday. Let us take up our sonic screwdrivers and ignite them to salute our fellow Doctor, as he takes a trip that will change his life.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Jingle Bells, Kmart Sells

Greetings everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

By now Christmas ads have been aired on television. Some are old classics like the Chex Mix commercial set to Carol of the Bells and Hershey Kisses chiming We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Other businesses have created new ads to draw people into their stores. Kmart has released its Christmas commercial and it’s causing heads to turn and opinions to be launched from mouths everywhere.

To be frank with you fellow readers, I don’t understand why people are so upset with this ad. As a Communications major, I know that media uses sex appeal in various commercials, magazines, and other formats. Sex draws the eyes of many readers along with murder, scandal, and any other sort of shocking event. In this new Kmart commercial, they were doing what any other company does, and using sex appeal to sell their product of Joe Boxer boxers. We have Victoria’s Secret models that expose half, if not most of their bodies, on their commercials yet no one has said anything about that.
Honestly, the new Kmart Christmas commercial reminds me of Monty Python’s skit “Sit on my Face.” In that skit, the cast of Monty Python proceeded to sing about how life would be great with different methods of sex. But as opposed to wearing boxers, they were nothing but waiter’s uniforms without underwear and pants. The audience saw the cast’s bums and possibly, some other things. But no one was offended by this skit because it was done for the sake of comedy because that’s what Monty Python does. They live to relish British humor with a bit of dirtiness, slight nudity, and other crazy yet humorous antics.

Nobody expects The Ministry of Silly Walks!

Kmart on the other hand is just a store filled with clothes, home accessories, food, and other items.  They’re like any other establishment who wants to attract people so purchases can be made. While Monty Python’s skit was done for comedy, I can imagine Kmart’s commercial attempted to mix sex appeal and humor, to create men shaking their bums to Jingle Bells. Comedy often tends to reside with people on a positive note, especially sexual humor. Adults and teens love a funny, perverted joke. As for kids, it flies over their heads, and the only thing they receive from the ad is guys rocking their butts to a Christmas song. It would probably make them laugh as well because its butts and everything at that age that deals with behinds is funny. Even the word ‘butt’ to them is funny; why else do you think children’s movies are loaded up with butt jokes?  Take a look at the latest Despicable Me movie, the minions practically laugh at the word ‘bottom’ – clearly designed for kids.

Minions. Making everything funny with their strange looks, language, and voices. 

Kmart’s commercial was crafted to be funny for families and to promote their product to get people in their stores. Honestly, I find the ad to be a success if that was their intentions. While I don’t normally shop at that business, I may acknowledge the commercial in the future as being something comedic in a time where people trample over each other just to buy a Tickle Me Elmo.

What are your thoughts about the Kmart Christmas commercial? Feel free to leave your comments below and as always, feedback and followers are welcomed. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Days and Nights of a Doctor

Greetings all and welcome to another Doctor Who installment of The Magical Mystery Blog.

With only eight days away from the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, we have been given more spoilers than River Song has ever revealed.  We have received a prequel entitled The Night of the Doctor and a section from the special. These clips have sent our imaginations reeling , our fandom cheering with delight, and our minds wondering what will happen next. We won’t know until November 23rd in theaters at specific times and on the BBC at 2:50 pm. Below are some tidbits of information we have discovered about the released clips of the upcoming special.

  •  When the 8th Doctor drank the Elixir of Life he became the John Hurt Doctor aka the War Doctor. The Elixir of Life was given to the 8th Doctor by the Sisterhood of Karn (regrettably, not KHAAAAAAN), who are involved with Gallifrey.  The Sisterhood is actually a colony of Gallifrey. The Karn Sisters have made an appearance before in an old episode of Doctor Who called “The Brain of Morbius.” They guard an Elixir of Life which is said to be used for a Doctor when he undergoes a heavily stressful regeneration – in this case, the 8th Doctor’s. He had a ton of anxiety on his back due to the Time War. By drinking the Elixir of Life, he becomes the War Doctor, aka the John Hurt Doctor which could possibly be an 8.5 Doctor.
  • ·         The Elixir of Life ties in with what Moffat said about the audience missing a detail in the series. The Elixir heals injuries and also extends lives. If we delve into the old series and focus on the particular episode, “The Brain of Morbius” it shows that William Hartnell was NOT the first Doctor. In fact, it shows that Hartnell had eight regenerations before his appearance. This means that Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor, was the twelfth regeneration. Tom Baker’s Doctor was fatally wounded and given the Elixir by the Sisterhood of Karn which not only healed him but granted him a longer life past the 12 limit regeneration rule.  This makes the Doctor immune to the 12 regeneration rule because it’s been there since the time of Baker.
  •  In the The Night of the Doctor, the prequel to the special, we see the War Doctor as a young person. When we saw John Hurt in the last Doctor Who episode and in other trailers promoting the special, he is much older. Which leads us to the question of how long was the Time War? The 11th Doctor has lived well over 2,000 years, the 10th Doctor has lived over 1,000 years old, and the 9th Doctor starts out as being 900 years old. Furthermore, since the War Doctor is technically a Time Lord, wouldn’t he keep the same appearance as he mentally ages? How is he able to physically age?

A Zygon in its natural habitat, which weirdly isn't the ocean because it's technically a tentacle with legs....
  •   In the clip today released from the BBC’s Children in Need special, we see that the 11th Doctor is reunited with his fez, and is roaming with Clara in a museum. We also see the first crisis of the special where it seems someone has broken out of a landscape painting. What makes this strange is the fact that the Doctor claims that there were “lots of somethings” that escaped that picture.  It appears that the “somethings” are being led by a person with very minimal details. The person appears to be clad in boots, a long skirt swaying to the right, a vest, a belt, and possesses long hair and a walking stick. This person could possibly be Rose but there are no confirmations. We cannot see who the person is, which makes us wonder who the person is, how did they get out, and why are they so important.  The somethings could possibly be the Zygons or the Daleks as they appear to be the main villains of the upcoming special. The Zygons could possibly be attacking the Elizabethan era while the Daleks are obviously destroying Gallifrey.

Here we have the already adorable David Tennant clad in a passionate, red fez.
  • We finally get our question answered as to how the 11th Doctor meets up with the 10th Doctor. Apparently a vortex appears in the museum and the 11th Doctor tosses himself into it. On the other side is the 10th Doctor, examining the fez. The 11th Doctor seems to remember this happening, meaning that this has happened before. As the clip ends we see the 10th Doctor don the fez and analyze the 11th Doctor by using his sonic screwdriver.

What was your favorite aspects of the two clips? Are you getting pumped for the special? Feel free to leave feedback and as always, followers are welcomed. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Day of the Doctor

Hello everyone and welcome to a wibbly wobbly timey wimey version of The Magical Mystery Blog.

This past weekend we have received new looks into the upcoming Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special. We were given two new trailers that show us more footage than we could have ever imagined. On the screen Daleks exterminated before our eyes, 10 and 11 complimented each others’ glasses, Gallifrey was being destroyed, and Rose and Clara were reunited with the Doctor once more.

So what does all of this excellence mean?  We won’t know until November 23rd in theaters and on television screens. Until then, here are some homemade theories regarding the 50th Anniversary.


John Hurt’s Doctor

Let’s examine this new Doctor. He appears to be much older than 10 and 11, but I wouldn't say older than the future 12th Doctor. If anything, he seems younger than the 12th Doctor and even the very first Doctor. We see him somehow involved in the Time War, where Gallifrey was exterminated by the Daleks. Gallifrey is sealed away in a time lock so that the Doctor can never return to it again which leads us to the following question: if Gallifrey is inaccessible, how is the new John Hurt Doctor there?

We only see him there and not 10/10.5 or 11. If anything, we see 10/10.5 and 11 roaming about a forest, sitting in a control room, and in variations of the Tardis. This brings me to a rather, crazy idea of: what if John Hurt was the first Doctor and not William Hartnell’s character? As far as I’m concerned, John Hurt’s Doctor is the only one able to get to Gallifrey. However, if he was there to begin with he could well be the first Doctor, especially since we see him involved with the Time War. The images of Gallifrey being destroyed are what he could be seeing during his time there. Furthermore, we see him at the heart of his planet staring a ruby like button with fire locked inside.

Don't push the button, don't push the extremely tempting button.....
Throughout the trailer he also claims that great men are forged in fire – this could mean the fires of war. We also hear the 11th Doctor claiming that there is a life he wishes to forget, which we are then presented with an image of the John Hurt Doctor. He wants to forget that life because it is when he was a part of the Time War. In the last seen episode of Doctor Who, he claims what he did was in the name of peace and sanity. Since we saw him on Gallifrey, standing before an ominous button, he could have brought an end to the Time War to spare the lives of his fellow species.  

However, if this theory is true and John Hurt was the very first Doctor, then wouldn't Clara remember him? Clara has secretly been there for the Doctor throughout his regenerations.  When we last saw her, she was in the Time Vortex and asked the 11th Doctor who the shadowy figure was before them. That mysterious person was the John Hurt Doctor – someone she never met before. This also brings a halt to everyone’s speculated idea that John Hurt is the 9.5 or 8.5 Doctor. Clearly Clara would have remembered him as she did the others.

Crossing the Streams

There are different scenes in the trailers: the forest, Gallifrey, and variations of the Tardis (10/10.5’s, John’s, and 11’s). In other clips promoting the special, we are also shown modern day London (burning and unscathed by fire), a mountainous terrain, and a private chamber. The overall plot of the special is something terrible arising in London’s National Gallery, in 2013. Meanwhile, a murderous plot is unraveling in Elizabethan England, and somewhere in the galaxy an ancient battle is coming to a close.

From how it appears, the 10/10.5th Doctor is dealing with a young queen Elizabeth in a forest while the 11th Doctor is conflicted with the John Hurt Doctor. I can imagine 11’s plot picks up right where we left off – in his Time Vortex, rescuing Clara, and encountering the John Hurt Doctor. That event happens in one universe but in the Time Vortex, the Doctor is presented with his multiple selves, and their eras. Since it is his own vortex, would he be allowed to go into his other lives?

If he is able to do so, he could enter the life of his past reincarnation, the 10/10.5th Doctor. Or he could enter the time stream of his John Hurt Doctor and confront his darkest hour. But that leaves us wondering where the 10/10.5th Doctor could possibly enter. If he does enter another life, he might not be able to do much as seeing everything that happened in those lives are fixed events – the Time War included. It’s obvious that at some point, him and 11 meet up, and they encounter the John Hurt Doctor. In order to do meet up, they would have to cross dimensions to see each other.

Return of Rose/Bad Wolf

Nearly everyone is elated that Rose is returning, but many wonder how she is coming back. We see her mostly with the John Hurt Doctor, even though the last Doctor she was with was the 10.5 Doctor. He would grow old with her and be just like her beloved 10/10.5th Doctor but without the time lord qualities. Even her outfit implies that she was with the 10.5 Doctor. In this picture, notice the garment under her jacket – it’s lacy, long, and very feminine, similar to a wedding dress. She loved the 10.5 Doctor and quite possibly, married him. However, it appears that something has interrupted their nuptials because of how the dress appears. It's dusty and even tied up, leaving her feet free for some possible running - but from what?

The 10.5 Doctor cannot be the John Hurt Doctor. We’ve seen an older 10th Doctor when he went under the alias of John Smith during his days with Martha Jones. His 10.5 clone would bear the same, aged look.

Rose was sent to an alternative universe but still had tracings of the Doctor. She followed him to Bad Wolf Bay where he gave her the 10.5 clone and a part of the Tardis so that she may grow her own. She would be able to look into 10.5’s Tardis and summon the Bad Wolf. She would also be able to time travel with 10.5 and enter other dimensions where she could possibly meet the 10th Doctor, the John Hurt Doctor, and/or the 11th Doctor. Crossing dimensions would be the only way for her to meet up with the other Doctors.

We will receive more hints as to what the 50th anniversary as in store for us on November 15th, during BBC’s Children in Need program. Until then, what are your thoughts and theories on the special? Feel free to leave your comments below and as always, feedback and followers are welcomed.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sweets to Sweet

Greetings everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with it comes the one aspect that everyone looks forward to: the food. The sight of turkey filled to the brim with stuffing has become an iconic staple of the holiday and the ultimate cause of mouth watering. However, when the last drumstick is finished, and the wishbone has been broken, the table becomes filled with desserts.


Dessert during the Fall season consists of sweet treats like pumpkin spice cake, pumpkin pie, and other delicious delicacies. For Thanksgiving, I usually make a chocolate pudding pie or pumpkin spice cookies. I tend to lean to making cookies because everyone gets one and possibly more. This year, I want to do a different cookie, and break away from the pumpkin spice everything Fall has to offer.  I don’t want to do the traditional sugar cookie because I consider them a Christmas sweet. But a few days ago, I found the answer to my cookie conundrum.

While browsing out of boredom, I stumbled upon a site called  The site’s purpose is to give details for you to host a cookie party. They even have templates that allow you to create invitations to your party and cookie tags for your treats. However, the site doesn't restrict viewers to randomly creating a cookie party. People, like myself and other fellow bakers, are allowed to roam the site to get the idea for that perfect holiday treat.

On this particular site, I found tons of cookie recipes that solved my dessert dilemma. Amidst the cookie recipes, the site also showcases recipes for fudge, praline bars, fruit tarts, and even streusel squares. The web site even offers classic ethnic treats like polvorones (Mexican wedding cookies), Swedish almond spritz cookies, and Italian lemon drop cookies.

Even better, the recipes consist of try and true items that most people are familiar with.  Some ingredients include Pilsbury cake (or cookie) mix, JIFF peanut butter, Smuckers jam, and other trusted items. I definitely recommend looking this site over for the upcoming holidays and recipe ideas.

Thanks to I’ll be baking jammie dodgers (also known as shortbread jamwiches) for the upcoming Doctor Who special, salted caramel cookies for Thanksgiving, and strawberry angel cookies for Christmas.

Monday, November 4, 2013

No Love for November

Welcome to another Monday here at The Magical Mystery Blog.

Throughout the year we have months that represent iconic events. October represents Halloween, December represents Christmas, June represents when school is done, and September represents the end of summer and the start of school. However, there are months that are just fillers to make up the calendar, like November. November is the month that blocks us from the merrily bustling month of December, which is mostly known for Christmas and New Year’s.  However, there are some things about November that we should adore; after all it is a month with certain days and traditions we appreciate.

Here’s why we should embrace November:

5) Christmas Decoration Sales

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Wait a minute, that’s a month away! Oh well, that doesn’t stop department stores from having Christmas sales no sooner Halloween is finished. Places like Kohls, Target, and other locations begin their Christmas décor sales at the start of November.  These areas usually cut villages’ prices in half, offer buy one get one free ornament deals, and tons of other bargains.  Why with all these decoration sales, you could have your home decked out for Christmas just before Thanksgiving.  Some stores even have these sales before Halloween. Walmart, for example, always presents their Christmas décor alongside their Halloween costumes at the start of September. The Halloween items are marked at moderate to high prices, while Christmas decorations are featured at low prices.


The invasion of pumpkin spice everything began in the early days of September. It started with the lattes and coffees and slowly dwindled its way into other treats such as doughnuts, ice cream, and other delicious edibles. There’s still pumpkin spice food available but as November progresses, ginger and peppermint flavored foods will come to light. It will also begin with the lattes and weave its way into other delicacies.

3) Foliage

During this time of the year, the trees turn to gold and create some of the most beautiful landscapes the season has to offer. Photographers, artists, and even writers have been inspired by the lush leaves. It’s a wonderful and inspirational time to go walking through a corridor of gorgeous foliage, to hear the crunch of the leaves beneath your feet, and to go diving into a pile of oranges, yellows, and reds. Even their smell is intoxicating and sparks romance for those who happen to fall in love this season.

2) Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Staying up to 3 am is all right and is something one would do at an excellent party, college, and possibly, on a daily basis.  Staying up to 3 am just to wait for department stores’ doors to open to start Christmas shopping and save some money, is what people tend to do on Black Friday. Black Friday is the day where people tear each other apart for items right after breaking bread with their fellow man.

Listen Grandpa I love you and whatnot but so help me God, if you want the same toaster I do at Sears tomorrow, I will obliterate you with my fists.

Some people have been trampled, murdered, or even severely injured by this all out brawl for savings. Yet it has been ingrained into our society (and possibly other societies) for many, many years. Even some movies and television shows like Jingle All the Way and The Nanny, have treated this day as the 10th level of Hell. 

Following Black Friday’s chaos is Cyber Monday which is just like Black Friday if you don’t want to fight anyone for savings. It’s also for those who feel like dealing with the mad rush of Black Friday from their homes. However, instead of receiving a blow to the face you may receive a jammed server. When tons of people tend to be on one site at once, the site may freeze up, and break down temporarily; just like tumblr.


Fall is Fattening Season. October is the start of the fattening, featuring Halloween sweets. November is second in line with Thanksgiving and Christmas is the last month for gaining weight, showcasing holiday treats. But Thanksgiving takes the cake when it comes to gaining weight in the season of Fall and fat. Thanksgiving is a day where we honor two important concepts: a smorgasbord of food ranging from alcohol to stuffings and the day where we tricked Native Americans to being best friends and feasting with them only to take their land. However, it is still a holiday most of us love because it brings everyone closer together. It unites families and friends over a fantastic meal and festive activities. It allows us to break bread with those we haven’t seen in a while and to catch up with everyone. So raise your glass this Thanksgiving and dive into that turkey while associating with those you love.

What’s your favorite thing about November? Feel free to leave your thoughts below and as always, feedback and followers are welcomed. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Sweet Aftermath of Halloween

Welcome to another Friday here at The Magical Mystery Blog.

Halloween is over and most of you probably have leftover candy from handing it out or trick or treating. People have favorite candies they receive from trick or treating or happen to pick up at the store any time throughout the year. I’m a stickler for the surf ‘n turf Nerds, Milky Ways, and Three Musketeers.

People usually feast on their sweets after Halloween, no sooner they come home, or all the trick or treaters have finished their candy collecting for the night. Below are some candies you might have obtained for Halloween and what they say about you.


What is It: Long strands of cherry flavored sticks.

What it Says About You: You’re not afraid to play with your food. Although it’s a rule your parents instilled into you as a child, you’re not scared to break it, and have a little fun. With licorice you can bend it, stretch it, peel it, and a ton of other things. As a bonus, it has a delicious flavor.


What is It: Tiny morsels of sugar in different colors (usually pink and purple but sometimes you may receive the blue and red ones).

What it Says About You: You’re a wild and untamed thing. You’re a hyperactive person with a vibrant personality and these little bites of unadulterated sugar fuel it. You can fit tons of these into your mouth and break them all apart in one big crunch. Don't be afraid to walk on the wild side, especially with this candy.

Hershey Kisses/Bars, M&Ms, Kit Kats

What Are They: Simple forms  of chocolate that make everything right again. 

What They Say About You: You like a quick energy boost. You’re a rocket in need of fuel, a car in need of gas, and chocolate is your go to for reloading. Biting into these treats not only gives you the energy you need but the moment of pleasure you enjoy so much.

Jolly Ranchers, Skittles, Starbursts, Airheads

What Are They: Jolly Ranchers are hard candies with various flavors. Skittles are assorted treats with colors contrasting their fruit flavors. Starbursts are sweet squares with colors that also reflect their fruity flavors. Airheads are thick strands of candy with different colors to match their distinct flavors.

What They Say About You: You believe in the ideals of divide and conquer. Separate your favorites from the ones you’d never eat or give to your friends. Let them experience the pain of the lemon Starburst, the kick of the watermelon Jolly Rancher, the punch of the green Skittles, and the kick of the mysterious white Airhead. Only you can enjoy the strawberry sweetness square of Starbursts, the delicious blue raspberry Jolly Rancher, the crimson Skittle, and the wonder of the blue raspberry Airhead.

Milky Way, Three Musketeers, Reese's

What Are They:  The Milky Way is a concoction of caramel, chocolate, and nougat. Sweet, sweet nougat. Three Musketeers is nothing but nougat wrapped up in chocolate. Reese's are peanut butter cups covered in smooth chocolate.

What They Say About You: You take your time with life. The slow path is the easiest way to go and eventually you’ll get to where you need to. Until then, enjoy it. Bite into something that will slow down time and make you feel fabulous about it.


What is It: Peanuts, chocolate, and ooey gooey caramel.

What it Says About You: You’re complex and have many layers – just like this little candy. But with many layers comes many flavors. There are more sides to you than people know and this candy isn't afraid to exploit them all.

Candy Corn

What is It: A seasonal treat of triangle shaped candy with different colors. The most common is white, orange, and yellow but there have been other colors involved.

What it Says About You: You embrace the Halloween spirit with every fiber of your soul. This candy is a delicacy for you because it only appears for two months before returning to the stock room of every store. You eat it while you can because it shows appreciation for the greatest holiday ever.

What candy describes you and why? Which one is your favorite? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and as always feedback and followers are welcomed.