Thursday, March 26, 2015

Top Gear Turns Clarkson Loose

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

“Top Gear” is an iconic British show that discusses cars, features celebrities behind the wheel of an automobile, and showcases a variety of experiments performed with cars. While I’m not much of a car person, this show drew me in with its comedy, famous “Doctor Who” celebrities, and the multiple experiments. The experiments were what made the show for me; combining the comedy of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May and their determination of pushing a car’s limits to see how else it can be used. I remember my three favorite experiments were when they tried to convert a car into a camper, transform a car into a limo, and turn a car into a boat. Each one was filled with its pure comedic gold moments that still make me smile.

However, “Top Gear” has just dropped one of its main assets: Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson was one of the original hosts to the show, but due to a recent dispute between him and a producer, BBC said they would not renew his contract. Apparently Clarkson screamed at a producer and verbally accosted him due to tension and food. Clarkson is already facing assault charges pursued by the North Yorkshire officials, based on the report the BBC created when this incident occurred.

What the BBC did was justified, but who will replace Clarkson?

Clarkson, May, and Hammond were the perfect comedic trio. They performed the show like brothers ragging on each other in a mechanic’s wonderland. But now with Clarkson gone, the show may lose some of its luster and heavily rely on May and Hammond. May and Hammond can easily handle themselves, but there needs to be a third person. It would be difficult and strange for BBC to not hire a third person to complete the “Top Gear” trio. Some people even claim that “Top Gear” should come to an end due to the departure of Clarkson and that the show won’t feel the same with him gone. There’s even an escalating petition for those who want to see Clarkson back on screen as a “Top Gear” host.

Clarkson made “Top Gear,” but what he did cannot be atoned for. If he manages to make a return onto the program by way of petitions and reconsideration, then that’s great. If he is unable to return, then the BBC will have to seek out someone else.

Thanks for reading today’s entry. If you liked it, feel free to comment, share, and critique.

So tell me, who do you think should replace Jeremy Clarkson on “Top Gear”?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Friends or Lovers? You Decide.

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Dating is a dangerous road trip that could possibly lead to the ultimate destination of love. In life, most people to be loved and to love another.  Often we find people to connect with whether they are friends or lovers. Sometimes, we grow apart from our friends while other times we grow closer.  The closer we grow to our friends, the more they become best friends. From the initial friendship, some attraction may form and ultimately develop into a crush. You may then think of your best friend in a new light and contemplate pursuing them.

Here's some pros and cons to dating your best friend:


-They know everything about you from the way you eat your apple to the way you work. They know every single secret you’ve ever told them and every dream you have ever had.

-They already accept and trust you.

-You can love them without pursuing a relationship. As close friends there is already the shared sense of platonic love. Platonic love is nothing romantic, but rather an admiration of their company, who they are, and your connection together.

-You are already comfortable with them on a multitude of levels.


-Should the relationship fail, your friendship is permanently tarnished with little to no repair in sight. Some people do try to fix their friendships after the relationship. It’s a good thing to do, but it is rather awkward. At best, you can separate yourselves from each other until the tension has cleared and discuss what’s on your minds.

-You’ll also be left with unshakable heart ache.
-Intimacy is weird between you two.  Never before would you have imagined your best friend kissing you passionately or engaging in sexual activity with you. The idea of this and actually doing it, may push you away from ever being intimate with them.

-The relationship could feel forced at times because you may feel affection for them, but they do not.

I’ll admit I’ve known people to date their best friends. For some, it turned out for the better. Others are still haunted by the failed relationship that they tried to create with their best friend. I think at some point everyone dates their best friend because they are already accepted and loved by someone who they really trust. To venture outside this safe haven of a friendship would be risking everything and having to build everything with someone else. It’s a lesson to learn in life and it’s one that will definitely help you decide whether you should date your best friend or not.

Thanks for reading today’s entry. If you liked it, feel free to comment, share, and critique.

So tell me, have you ever dated your best friend?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

An Entry for the Recently Deceased

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Spring is when life bursts from the deceased Winter world. From the dead leaves come flowers, from the snow comes fresh grass, and from the cold nights come breezy, warm evenings. The transition from Winter to Spring is a reflection of the circle of life: animals and people die and from their death comes new life.  In this way, death is given a positive view in which life emerges from the fallen.

However, death is always portrayed as inevitably dark, the final end of something wonderful. People grieve for those who leave this world so suddenly and it’s understandable; they are losing someone near and dear to them. People know that death will come unexpectedly and steal away someone we truly love. It’s portrayed as such in every form of media and appears in our lives.  We have many ideas of death: death of a loved one, a little death (how the French define an orgasm), casting off a part of ourselves and gaining something new, a grand adventure, honor, and many more. These ideas sprout from culture, language, media, and things we generally see or hear about almost every day.

Death is nearly everywhere in physical and mental sense.  It’s something that we have grown to hate and accept because of its unavoidable nature.

But maybe, we should stop viewing death as something so negative. Maybe we should view it as something positive. Not saying it is good to die nor that we should rush to the grave, but it is good that from something we lose, we gain something:  a new life, a new rebirth, a new view.

From the loss of a loved one comes acceptance that we will only see their face in memory, photograph, and/or video.  We can only talk of them and how we knew them and how they made us smile. These are things that we will always have of them that will never leave us.  It’s bittersweet, like tear inducing chocolate.

In a way it’s comforting to know that departed one is in a better place. A place where there’s no pain and they can do whatever they desire and meet some great people.  While they’re doing this, their body is returned to the Earth by means of burial, ash, or specifically designed caskets that are eco-friendly. It’s all a part of life’s grand design and the great circle that endlessly spins.

So yes, grieve those you’ve loved and lost. Don’t be shy to cry at their grave or whenever they pop into your mind. Don’t be worried to miss them, even if they passed on many years ago.  Just know that it’s all a part of life and that they’re somewhere safe, having a grand old time. It won’t be easy to accept at first, but just like death, it is something we must all embrace.

Thanks for reading tonight’s entry. If you like it, feel free to comment, share, and critique.

So tell me, what do you think the afterlife is like?

Are You Sherlocked?

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

It was just announced this week that the Sherlock Christmas special will take place in London during the 1800s aka the Victorian era. It will have everyone from Sherlock clad in the time period’s garments and completing their modern day tasks in a time when advanced technology was not available.

My initial reaction to this was pure elation for the fact that we don’t have to wait three plus years for something pertaining to Sherlock.  What followed next was a question of how exactly the cast of Sherlock managed to be transported to the 1800s. Naturally, my inner fangirl led me to believe that Moffat and Gatniss were finally doing a Wholock episode, but was immediately shot down by the fact that Moffat said it would never work. Of course then I figured that everyone in this new Victorian!Sherlock era is an ancestor to their modern day personas which could very well work.
But like any other writer and fan, research is needed to obtain any answer.

Moffat and Gatniss claim that this ninety minute special will have nothing to do with the original Sherlock series. Rather, they are doing a tribute to when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s work was initially written in this specific time period.

The writers also claim that this special will include something everyone doesn’t suspect about John and Sherlock. Many fans hope that this surprise will be John and Sherlock engaging in a homosexual relationship. So far there have been no hints as to what this shocker will be, but the writers have confirmed that they have brought their cast to tears with what they have in store.

There was also talk about season 4 of Sherlock.

While not much has been said, it has been rumored for a long time that Tom Hiddleston may join Sherlock in the series as one of the elder Holmes brothers.  In the new season, we’ll be seeing more of Sherlock’s family so naturally they would want someone as equally handsome as Sherlock to be his brother.

It’s also rumored that Irene Adler may return, but Janine and her friends are definitely returning. Apparently Sherlock likes Janine and knows he can rely on her for a social function should he ever need a date for one.  There’s also the inevitable truth that Mary will die sooner or later, just like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote, but she won’t be dying in season 4.  Moriarty is also set to make a comeback, but to do what no one knows.

While there are no certain story lines or release dates as of yet, Sherlock season 4 will follow the 2015 Christmas special. There will also be many more seasons to come for Sherlock, with Benedict Cumberbatch wanting to pursue this series into old age.

Thanks for reading today’s entry. If you liked it, feel free to comment, share, and critique.

So tell me, what are you excited to see for Sherlock

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Safe for St.Patrick

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Tuesday is St.Patrick’s Day aka a day to get completely smashed and regret it the next day. The color green is everywhere on people, in food, in drinks, and on the most notable icons of this holiday, a shamrock and a leprechaun. Traditional foods like shepard’s pie and corned beef are commonly served at restaurants on this holiday, but everyone more so remembers this as a day to get hammered.

If you’re going to drink this St.Patrick’s Day or any day, here’s some things you shouldn’t do with your drink.

5. Carry it

If you’re drunk you’re losing a few things: your lunch (possibly), your speech, your mind, and coordination. When you carry your drink you might be like me and unintentionally spill it all over the place.  The smell of alcohol may be easy to get rid of on your breath, but on clothes and furniture it is a pain, especially for other people.

4. Sneak it

Because apparently that gets you into trouble and people may not like alcohol around them. Some recovering alcoholics may actually hate the smell let alone sight of a cold one. If you’re under 21, then naturally if you’re caught sneaking alcohol you’re going to get into severe trouble not only with the law as well.

3.  Force it

Yes, you want to be the life of the party, the center of attention, and generally have a good time. Having a good time at a party or bar is something everyone expects to have and there’s nothing wrong with it. But if you know your alcohol limit and have reached it, do not force yourself to fit that role. Surpassing your alcohol limit could lead to alcohol poisoning, vomiting, and feeling terrible.

2. Leave it

Because it could be spiked! People like to slip roofies or any other drug into others’ drinks which leads to some extremely negative results. Some results include getting sick, sexual assault, and many others. If you know you’re going to leave your drink temporarily then order a new one to save yourself from a nightmare.

1. Spike it

Spiking a drink is never good. Yes, at times it’s often used as a comedic act in movies where someone spikes the punch bowl at a party to liven it up or just spikes someone’s drink. In real life when someone spikes your drink, it usually leads to a terrible time (see #2).

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it feel free to comment, share, and critique.

So, what do you enjoy about St.Patrick’s Day?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Retiring a Ringling Bros Classic: Elephant Walk

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

As children, we were mostly treated to the circus. The thrill of big top wonders, trained tigers that snarled and roared at the crack of a whip, death defying trapeze artists, amazing aerobatics, and the perfect pachyderms who performed with grace.

I remember going to Ringling Bros. Circus many times during my childhood. It was only because I loved elephants and my dad used to work security at the Spectrum, a large stadium where Ringling Bros used to perform. My father and his boss were great friends; so much so that he received Ringling Bros. show tickets, videos, books, and plushies which eventually wound up in my possession. It was from there that I learned about the majesty of elephants in their performances.

Growing up, I drifted from the circus and learned just how human elephants were from how one committed suicide at the loss of a friend or how they mourned their dead and how they performed human tasks like throwing out garbage and examining themselves in mirrors. I found it fascinating that such these giant creatures could be so human. It was uncanny and only made me love them even more.

Image from

However, it wasn’t until the Ringling Bros.’ elephant lawsuit that a controversy began that Ringling Bros. abused their elephants. Rumors were tossed about that the popular circus group used various tools like bullhooks and ankuses on their elephants. It was also rumored that the elephants were also kept in shackles, were forced to perform when sick, and that mothers were separated from their calves. 

To know that something from my childhood had such a dark controversy towards something I loved broke my heart. These were human like creatures subjected to such terrible abuse just to appease the masses. Animals weren’t born to entertain; they were born to be free like any of us in the great circle of life. Befriending them is enchanting and wondrous, abusing them is horrible and wrong.

But thankfully a ray of hope has been produced. By 2018, Ringling Bros. is going to retire all thirteen of its traveling elephants to its elephant conservation in Florida. The head of Feld Entertainment announced this on March 5th, 2015 and explained that this decision was made based on the goulash of laws debating if elephants should be used in entertainment or not. He also claimed that people weren’t comfortable with the traveling elephants based on the elephant abuse controversy. From 2018 on, the circus will only use tigers, camels, horses, dogs, and people as means of entertainment. But who knows if those animals endure any abuse alongside the elephants; I honestly hope they don’t.

While I’m happy to hear that they’re retiring their elephants, it makes me wonder why animal-based circuses don’t eliminate their animal acts and produce their own version of Cirque du Soleil? Cirque du Soleil is a circus of human performers who are acrobats, clowns, jugglers, contortionists, singers, and so much more. They don’t rely on animals to entertain, rather they use their own bodies as works of art to bring joy and shock to the audience. So far, they have been extremely successful.  They don’t have to worry about training animals or any animal abuse controversies.

What I also don’t understand is why they’re waiting so long to retire the elephants. Yes, it’s only three years, but time makes all the difference especially when it comes to animals. The type of elephant that Ringling Bros. uses is the Asian elephant, noted for its small ears; they are currently an endangered species. Three more years for these thirteen elephants could make or break them. If they are serious about this decision then the thirteen elephants should be retired immediately.

However, the only logical explanation I can think of that prevents a sooner retirement is that the show dates have already been set for the 2015 season. Their first show will be tomorrow night in Richmond, Virginia. Their final show is on February 28th, 2016 in Duluth, Georgia. No sooner that final show ends the season will start up again and it will probably run to 2017. Based on this logic, they may just run the thirteen elephants to the very end of the 2017 season.

Thank you for reading today’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, share, and offer any feedback.

So tell me, what do you think of this whole situation?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Doctor Who: Preparing for August

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

It’s not August yet and already the Internet is buzzing with rumors about the new Doctor Who season. So far we have seen posters and received confirmation that 12, Clara, and Missy will return.  There will be no mid-series breaks and the season will run undisturbed, as it did last year.

Image from Google

We have also received information that the first episode of the new season will be entitled, The Magician’s Apprentice. I don’t know about you, but I’d love to see that episode focused around Houdini, a famous magician from the 20s. Houdini not only performed magic tricks, but performed daredevil stunts as well which contributed to his demise where he was chained in a straight jacket in a tank of water. I would love to see his death as a fixed point in time, something that the Doctor can’t fix, but Houdini wants him to.

It was reported not too long ago that Doctor Who was filming in Teide National Park in Tenerife which is a vast, volcanic landscape complete with a large landscape. Now Whovians, Peter Capaldi is our twelfth Doctor. Where have we seen him before in a volcanic like setting? If you said Pompeii then you and I share the same mind. It wasn’t specified as to what episode in particular they were filming, but I have a hunch it may have something to do with the Pompeii episode from the 10th Doctor’s run. However, they have also revealed an alien in this shooting which may or may not contradict and eliminate my theory, but one can only hope that this particular filming deals with Pompeii. There is also a rumor of possible filming in Spain.

On February 12th, a certain woman who directed the terrifying episode, Blink appeared again in the Whoverse. That’s right, Hettie Macdonald is back with a vengeance and ready to terrify us once more. She will be directing the second episode of season nine entitled The Witch’s Familiar. Perhaps more Weeping Angels? Or something new to terrify us and haunt our nightmares?

There will also be a two part episode, but all that is known about it is that it features Game of Thrones’  Paul Kaye and will be written by Being Human’s  Toby Whithouse. He has a creepy idea in mind for this particular episode, but what it is, no one is for certain. It’s been rumored for a while that Peter Jackson may direct an episode. However, no one has confirmed or denied anything in regard to that topic in a few years.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, subscribe, share, and offer any feedback.

So tell me, what are you most excited for Doctor Who?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Live Long and Prosper, Mr.Spock

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Last Friday, the world wept at the death of Leonard Nimoy.  People everywhere saluted Nimoy’s sudden demise with the iconic Vulcan hand gesture. Tweets and statuses were made to honor one of the greatest actors of our time. Fanart and comics of Spock spread throughout the web like wildfire as well as Star Trek merchandise. Since February 27th, the world somehow feels different with the loss of a terrific man.

Leonard Nimoy was a great man who was best known as Mr.Spock in the “Star Trek” series.  Most people could tell it was him no sooner his character appeared on the screen. Not only did this become a famous role in all of television history, but he helped shaped the show itself. Gene Roddenbury (writer and producer of “Stark Trek” book and television series), allowed Nimoy to adjust Spock to his liking which ultimately drew the attention of many viewers. Not only did he revel in his new found fame, but he also assisted behind the scenes by making suggestions and inventing the Vulcan Nerve Pinch which gave way to a bit of backstory to Spock.

I remember Nimoy from my favorite childhood program, ”The Simpsons.” While Nimoy only voice acted in two episodes (“Marge vs the Monorail” and “The Springfield Files”), I distinctly remember his voice and the iconic Simpsonized version of himself.  I believe it was the first time I had ever seen or heard of Leonard Nimoy, but for some reason or another, I was immediately drawn to him. Perhaps it was his voice, his well noted persona, or how he held himself. It wasn’t long until I became a Trekkie/Trekker, watching both the original “Star Trek” series and the new series.

From watching these series and reading up on Nimoy, I discovered a few things that I never knew about him.

5. Voice Acting

Apparently Nimoy did more voice acting that just “The Simpsons.” He also played Master Xehanort in the Kingdom Hearts series. He was also King Kashekim from “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” and another Atlantean King with a video game of the same name. Naturally, he voiced Spock in the many versions of “Stark Trek” from animated television series to online games. He even played the part of Sentinel Prime in “Transformers: Dark of the Moon.” Nimoy’s last voice acting venture was in a film called “Zambezia” in 2012.

Along with voice acting, Nimoy did audio readings of famous stories like “The Time Machine,” “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” “The Invisible Man,” “The Lost World,” and “The First Men in the Moon.”  He also did narration for many programs and video games such as “Seamen” for the Dreamcast and “Ancient Mysteries” on A&E.

4. Jewish

Nimoy was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family.  When he pursued his acting career, he somehow managed to weave his religion into one of the most iconic phrases in television history. Most of you know this phrase as, “Live long and prosper” (or LLAP as he put on his Twitter).  This mere phrase is a mild adaption of a Jewish prayer called the kohanim that is usually given by Jewish priests.

3. “Vincent”

Along with starring and directing programs, Nimoy wrote a short play based on Vincent Van Gogh. Simply entitled “Vincent”, the one man play takes place a few days after Vincent Van Gogh’s death. Terrible rumors of Van Gogh being a prostitute lover, a poor artist, and a lunatic who took his life were passed through the streets of Paris. In the play, it’s up to Van Gogh’s brother, Theo, to clear his departed sibling’s name and set the record straight.

2. Photography

At one point in his life, Nimoy considered changing his career from acting to photography. Having studied the subject at the University of California, Nimoy was interested in the art of taking pictures.  His work has been featured in R. Michelson galleries in Northampton, Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. Nimoy’s work ranged from different beautiful woman to secret personas and wagon wheels. He was a very diverse artist and had a few photography series.

1.  Poetry

While studying photography in the 70s, Nimoy also issued several volumes of poetry. His topics focus on people and emotions and read with a consistent, addictive beat.  His simplistic free verse style suits him. He was able to take such difficult matters such as mankind, loneliness, and love and condense them into miniature verses that packed so much emotion. In a way, his poetry is like Spock: logical, complex, but
very few on words.

Rest in peace, Leonard Nimoy. While you no longer walk this world, you will be remembered in everything that you have ever done. Your life was just as fulfilling as you desired. In life and now in death, you will still continue to inspire people to go boldly where no one has gone before. Thank you for that inspiration and a wonderful life.

Thank you for reading today’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to comment, share, and offer any feedback you may have.

So tell me, what did you like best about Leonard Nimoy?