Thursday, February 4, 2016

Coming to Terms with Thirty

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

You know, there’s something I’ve realized anymore.

What is the ideal dream? Growing up, it was get married by thirty, establish yourself by thirty, and move out by thirty. Notice the word that keeps repeating there; ‘thirty’. Thirty is the dreadful number of society that signifies the halfway point of our lives.  Movies and shows have programmed it into our minds that thirty is the end all be all number to have our lives sorted out. If we don’t, we are doomed to be failures.

Yet I find anymore that that dream is just a built up societal trope. In our early to late twenties, we are doing everything: finding a job, having fun, living life, finishing school, starting school, finding ourselves, finding our future spouse. We are only human beings that can do so much. When we realize that we only have so many years before we hit thirty, we begin to panic. Some of us have already found a career, some of us may have already found a partner, some of us might even be out on their own; but what about those who aren’t any of these things?

Truth is, not everyone is established or happily married or moved out by thirty. In fact, there are still some single persons, some people who still live with their parents, and even some who are still working themselves to death for a job where they hope they can get a promotion. And you know what?

That’s okay.

It’s okay that some of us are thirty and still haven’t found our Mr./Mrs. Right. It’s okay that we’re still living with our parents because the housing market is ridiculously high and apartments have outrageous rent. It’s okay that we’re still trying to craft a career. We have time and by no means should that phrase intimidate us. Rather, it should inspire us because we still have time to do everything we’ve always wanted and take our time with love and life. We still have so many seconds to hold hands, chug a beer, take that Chinese class, and have fun. Yes, we can catch ourselves when we procrastinate because we’re intelligent and can differentiate between procrastination and relaxing from working ourselves to death.
So screw you society into making me dread ‘Thirty’ after all these years. ‘Thirty’ is nothing to fear at all, but rather embraced in knowing that we still have time on this Earth to find love, to work towards a career, and to be ourselves.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry.

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So tell me, what are your thoughts on hitting thirty?

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