Friday, October 21, 2016

Volcanion Erupts Into ORAS/XY

Good evening everyone and welcome to The Magical Mystery Blog.

Every month of this year Nintendo has been releasing a legendary Pokemon to celebrate their 20th anniversary of the franchise.

For October, Keldeo is available to download from the Nintendo Network via Mystery Gift to Pokemon XY or ORAS. With Keldeo only being available for three more days, we have a new legendary to collect.

Until 10/31/16, Volcanion will be distributed via code from Gamestop. A level 70 Volcanion can be downloaded onto Pokemon XY or ORAS and will unlock new dialogue throughout regions in the game. It will also come with the item Assault Vest that increases Special Defense, but prevents use of status moves. Volcanion will also have the ability Water Absorb as well as the moves Steam Eruption, Hydro Pump, Overheat, and Explosion. These moves coincide with its unique typing and will demonstrate its strength on the battlefield.

Thank you for reading tonight’s entry. If you enjoyed it, feel free to share, subscribe, comment, and critique.

So tell me, what do you think of Volcanion’s unique typing?

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